SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Simon is not converted

Please specify?

fuck sake marl

As to how you know I will get incompatible that is

@Frostwolf103 100% invest me tonight if you donā€™t youā€™re gonna regret it.

wutā€™d i do?
Am i not catching onto some hints youā€™re tossing out or something?


Itā€™s been days dude

Elaborate for me then. I havenā€™t seen him hint a particular class
You think heā€™s Mercenary / Alchemist or something?

He claimed lots but I know exactly who he is.

That sounds kinda creepy ngl.

Are you certain about that? You only divert my attention elsewhere.

Invest me or I promise you you will regret it.

Oh, I can tell you what Hippo is. A class that can attack. I was attacked last night, but I was immune (the fact that I received this information over 24 hours after the fact doesnā€™t matter now). So, Knight or Alchemist. No one else claimed to have attacked me, and heā€™s the only one who hasnā€™t claimed honestly yet.

lies and slander

marl, let me act this night to confirm myself as well. Any of the princessā€™s wisp and send it to Marl

Oh, I have no reason to lie about that, to be honest.

Hippo is probably Alch. Wouldnā€™t rule out second NK as a possibility.

Pretty sure there can only be one NK at any time :thinking:

Why canā€™t I be the first NK?

Hint hint.

Nah, I wonā€™t be that vague. Someone other than Hippo is the NK I know for sure. So I canā€™t accuse him of being first NK.