SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

I bet it’s Burrito.

What first NK?!?!?!

I’m pretty sure there’s only one NK in the whole game. The only exception was Alfa’s chaos game.

Princesses shouldn’t wisp UNLESS they think they will be killed tbh.

Wasting 2nd wisp rn would be bad choice imo.


We’ll find out if Livicus dies tonight

So you want me to use second wisp?

No investigate me.

If they die, there’s no point of them investigating. Why not do something that will actually confirm me as not Sage, since if I was, the wisp would bounce back to Livi as they die anyway, and MArl wouldn’t get the wisp from them

Any preferences?

Wolfy is prolly sage>assassin so I’d block him.

You’re dying anyways no point

No that’s dumb

I’ve already been blocked. Hippo, you’re making me think you’re the sage about now considering it seems like you don’t want me to confirm myself and you know that if I cannot confirm myself, I will be the easiest mislynch for scum!

Furthermore, we had a kill while I was blocked, which therefore means currently, I’m actually in the clear. I just realised it. If the Sage was starting Unseen and Tech who was Assassin was lynched, and the Sage became the new Assassin, then actually, I’ve been currently confirmed as CW

Rather, as BD at the moment.

Actually… there was 1 Kill from Nk, cause you’re Assassin who got blocked(?)

Do we even know it was the NK though and not the new Assassin either?

NK is Shurian probably

Wolfy is almost certainly clear either way

/execute If I haven’t already.

Also, who should I go for tonight, and would it be beneficial to barrier or ward?

i think thats hammer if you didnt already

There could be a healer for all we know