SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Ladies and Gentlemen!
I’m starting my event soon, since I may die here.
Have fun.


don’t talk about me like i’m already dead, boio
there’s like a 75% chance i live

Event: [REDACTED]’s FoL Poetry Contest

Write a poem directly related to FoL! The winner will recieve a deceptively good prize!

Send poems via PM. Voting will take place on Day Three.

That seems like a nice little contest I can actually partake in…

tfw i was going to do the mini turbo mafia thing but ici already had the idea

(Thinking of copying my poem from the contest…)

Near all RB classes still have role to play to identify the conspirators against Blue Dragon. Princess still need to “flirt” people and get wisping with someone they trust, Drunk protect someone from conversion and with possible mastermind/cult leader known, prevent them from converting someone for three nights. Nobles send criers to announce and make people not valid vote for the day – And that doesn’t confirm them but it’s their actions in thoughts, their reason and motivation for their actions.

Oh and if anyone want to counterclaim Marl’s claim go ahead.

Not like you won’t gain nothing.

What do you suggest then? We allow Damafaud to become king for no reason? He could be the Assassin for all we know.


I’m here only for events. Yes.

I thought it’s clear that Celeste may or may not be good king, not Dama.

I also made soft claim and to be frank, I am not ready for it. But never I mentioned Dama.

If we want to allow Celeste to have the throne, we need to make sure they aren’t converted. Because they openly claimed Royal Blood d2 so it’s not impossible that they are.

Jesus, just let greedy be a king.


I’m okay with the greedy being the king tbh

Greedy is not in play.

But… But… I am greedy polish bastard ;(