SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody [The Unseen, Scorned and Alchemist Win]

Welcome to SFoL18: Disappointing Everybody

You were probably expecting Regicide.


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules
  2. Be respectful to the moderators and your fellow players.
  3. Don’t be inactive. If you do not post within a 24-hour period, you will be prodded. Failure to respond to a prod within 12 hours or receiving two prods will result in your removal from the game.
  4. Do not quote/screenshot private host messages.
  5. Don’t throw the game. Always play with the intent of helping your faction win.
  6. No editing or deleting posts without express moderator permission.
  7. No posting after majority is reached or at night. We may not always lock the thread; when this occurs, the honor system will be used. Repeated or egregious failure to comply will result in your removal from the game.
  8. Direct all game and game mechanic-related questions to the hosts in your class card PM. Questions asked publicly in thread are unlikely to receive an answer.
  9. It’s a game - have fun!


  • Simply express interest in joining
  • Common methods of joining a game include replying with"/in" or “/join”.


  • Days will be 72 hours long, or shorter if majority is reached.
  • Nights will be approximately 24 hours long. Extensions will not be granted for forgetting to send in an action.
  • Actions are performed by sending myself and my cohost a message on the PM I will send you with your class.
  • The members of the Unseen will be given a Discord chat with which to communicate at night.
  • The Psychic/Illusionist’s targets will communicate via private messages that my cohost or myself will create.
  • In general, feedback will be much less prevalent than in normal FoL. For example, you will not be informed if your target is occupy immune if you attempt to occupy them. If you have any questions on this matter, please follow rule 8 and ask us directly in your class card PM.
  • All classes used will be found in the first reply.
  • The Cult have been disabled for this test because I can’t be asked to come up with new Cult Alts for all of my changed classes.
  • Rules and classes are subject to change until the game begins. In fact, please do provide feedback on some of the class changes!
  • When you recieve a class card, you will have 24 hours to confirm that you have recieved it. Failure to do so may lead to your replacement by more active players.


  • To accuse someone, say “/vote [player]”.
  • To rescind your vote, say “/unvote [player]”.
  • To vote for no lynch, say “”/vote NoLynch".
  • Making your vote obvious (bolded, on their own line, etc.) will make it less likely to be missed by us.
  • Vote counts will be given whenever the moderators are available to do so. You may request one by pinging both my cohost and myself.
  • A majority vote is defined as half of the remaining number of players (rounded down), plus one.
  • When majority has been reached, the day ends immediately. Please cease all posting until a moderator returns to officially end the day.

After The Night

  • You will be told what happened to you in your PM, and day will begin.

Journals and Death Notes

  • Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you die shall be the one displayed.
  • Death Notes will be allowed, but are subject to the discretion of both hosts, and will preferably be images.


  1. @orangeandblack5
  2. @Insanity
  3. @NuclearBurrito


  1. Ashe
  2. Icibalus
  3. NightX
  4. 3DT_CheesyKnives
  5. Methnor
  6. CaptainNerbins


  1. Boss110
  2. Celeste_Ludenberg
  3. Livicus
  4. Sam17z
  5. Marluxion
  6. Pug
  7. PolikShadowbliss
  8. PokemonKidRyan
  9. Damafaud
  10. Hippolytus
  11. Shurian
  12. Firekitten
  13. Wolfy
  14. Moleland
  15. NozBugz
  16. Simon


  1. Sam17z - The Priest - Killed N1
  2. Pug - The Prince - Killed N1
  3. NozBugz - The Knight - Lynched D2
  4. Marluxion - The Physician - Killed N2
  5. Shurian - The Butler - Killed N2
  6. Celeste - The Sorcerer - Lynched D3
  7. Simon - The Mastermind - Lynched D4
  8. Boss110 - The Sheriff - Modkilled N4
  9. PokemonKidRyan - The Princess - Killed N4
  10. Moleland - The Assassin - Lynched D5
  11. Firekitten - The Court Wizard - Killed N5
  12. Livicus - The Good King - Lynched D6

Class Cards

The Blue Dragon

The Blue Dragon

The Butler

Blue Dragon Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Nightshade Wine (Day) - Secretly poison The King, causing him to die tonight if not healed. - 1 use
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting them drunk. - Infinite Uses
Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying all players who visit you tonight. Bypasses occupy immunity. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Servant.

The Court Wizard

Blue Dragon Support
Empower Spell (Day) - Your night abilities will be stronger tonight. - 2 uses
Magical Barrier (Night) - Protect a player from negative effects and conversion tonight. Does not prevent attacks. If empowered, prevents all others from visiting your target’s room. - Infinite uses
Tornado (Night) - Swap two players’ positions, causing all players targeting one of them to target the other. If empowered, bypassess occupy immunity. - 3 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Sage.

The Drunk

Blue Dragon Offensive
I am the Liquor (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Debauchery (Night) - Get in a player’s way, causing them to target you. You are immune to all conversions and attacks redirected to you. - Infinite uses
Happy Hour (Night) - Occupy and get rid of your target’s night and occupy immunities for the night. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Alcoholic.

The Good King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Special
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two. If you are the starting King, this ability also negates the Royal Bloodline if you are publicly executed, preventing Royals from stepping up early.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to being occupied or investigated.
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose to instantly execute any player with more than 33% of the votes needed to meet majority. Using this will permanently disable your Head of State passive. - 1 use
Royal Decree (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Guards! (Night) - Summon a guard to protect a player, granting them immunity for the night. If you are the starting King, your guards will also protect against conversions, and you will have an extra guard. - 3 uses
Loyalty (Night) - Starting King exclusive. The target player receives a envoy that will protect them from all negative actions. The envoy will be spent once activated. Choosing to use this ability again will remove the envoy from the previous target if they have not yet been spent. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert Immune

The Hunter

Blue Dragon Killer
Isolation (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Food Supply (Passive) - You may not use your night ability after using your day ability the previous day, and you may not use your day ability after using your night ability the previous night.
Wolf Companion (Day) - Summon a wolf companion to attack a player. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 2 uses
Bear Companion (Night) - Summon a bear to protect you, granting you death and conversion immunity for the night. You will kill any attackers, bypassing night immunity. - 3 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Poacher.

The Knight

Blue Dragon Killer
Sacrifice (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will instead take your own life. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Enforcer.

The Maid

Blue Dragon Investigative
Service (Day) - Check if the target player has Royal Blood. - 2 uses
Poke Around (Night) - Look in someone’s chambers to determine their class type. - 2 uses
Matchmake (Night) - Try to ‘hook up’ 2 players, you will be told whether they are compatible or not (see below). - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


  • Members of opposing Factions are not compatible
  • Neutrals are compatible with every Neutral that they can win with
  • Royals are not compatible with each other
  • The King is not compatible with anyone
  • The Mercenary is compatible with her target no matter the faction

Converts into The Mistress.

The Mystic

Blue Dragon Social
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to the court. - 2 uses
Link Minds (Night) - You and your target will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. - Infinite uses
Conduit (Night) - Your two targets will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. You will later be given the entire conversation. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Illusionist.

The Noble

Blue Dragon Social
Trusted Advisor (Passive) - If you become the King, you will get all of the benefits of a starting Good King.
Pull Rank (Day) - Your vote will count as two today. This will not be announced publicly or affect the number of votes required to reach majority. - 3 uses
Bounty (Night) - If target player is executed tomorrow and is Blue Dragon then there will be an additional trial and execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. You cannot target King. - 2 uses
Order (Night) - Negate the votes of a target player the next day. They can’t accuse anyone or vote tomorrow. The target still counts towards the voting majority. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Aristocrat.

The Observer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Follow (Night) - Watch someone to see who visits them and who they visit. - Infinite uses
Window Peek (Night) - Discover a player’s faction. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Nightwatch.

The Physician

Blue Dragon Support
Remedy Studies (Passive) - You are immune to nightshade poison and bleeding.
Innoculate (Day) - Prevent a player from being poisoned or bleeding for the rest of the game. - 1 use
Heal (Night) - Heal a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. - Infinite uses
Self-care (Night) - Heal yourself tonight. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Herbalist.

The Priest

Blue Dragon Support
Contrition (Day) - You will be told the name of the next player to use a day ability. - 2 Uses
Bind Soul (Day) - Make a player immune to death tonight. - 1 Use
Anoint (Night) - Prevent any harmful abilities from affecting your target during the day tomorrow. - Infinite Uses
Intercession (Night) - Prevent your target from using any day abilities tomorrow. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Heretic.

The Prince :crossed_swords: :shield:

Blue Dragon Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - You cannot be occupied at night, even by means that bypass occupy immunity. You are also immune to target changing.
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King early.
Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target (Bypasses occupy immunity) and preventing visits to them. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses
Execute (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed (Bypasses night immunity). If the executed is a member of the Blue Dragon, you will not be able to execute for the rest of the game. - 3 uses, available starting Night 2
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Convert Immune

The Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King early.
Flirt (Night) - Flirt with a player, you get a pairing of class types. Their class type will be one of the two. The pairings are Killer/Offensive, Support/Social and Special/Investigative. - Infinite uses
Will-o-Wisp (Night) - Release a Will O’ Wisp, lighting your target’s room. If they try to kill somebody, you will know. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Duchess.

The Sheriff :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Investigative
Scout (Day) - Scout a player. You will know if that player gets converted at any point afterwards. The scout will stay on the player until you command them to watch someone else - Infinite Uses
Expert Investigation (Night) - Learn if your target is a member of the Unseen. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Marshall.

The Squire

Blue Dragon Support
Unskilled (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Train (Night) - Become the non-unique class of a deceased Blue Dragon player. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converts into The Page.

The Unseen

The Unseen

The Alcoholic

Unseen Offensive
I am the Liquor (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Debauchery (Night) - Get in a player’s way, causing them to target you. You are immune to all attacks redirected to you. - Infinite uses
Happy Hour (Night) - Occupy and get rid of your target’s night and occupy immunities for the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Aristocrat

Unseen Social
Misplaced Trust (Passive) - If you become the King, you will get all of the benefits of a starting Evil King.
Pull Rank (Day) - Your vote will count as two today. This will not be announced publicly or affect the number of votes required to reach majority. - 2 uses
Order (Night) - Negate the votes of a target player the next day. They can’t accuse anyone or vote tomorrow. The target still counts towards the voting majority. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Assassin :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Killer
Nightshade (Day) - Expose a player to a deadly poison (they will be notified). The target dies after two nights, bypassing death immunity, unless they are healed. - 4 Uses (shared)
Distract (Day) - Distract a player, rendering them unable to use a day ability for the rest of the day. (1 use)
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a target player. - Infinite Uses
2-for-1 (Night) - You can kill two targets this night. - 1 use (shared)
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Broker

Unseen $upport
Greed (Passive) - Immune to occupation.
Con (Day) - Rope somebody into a grandiose moneymaking scheme, occupying them through occupy immunity whenever they next attempt to use a night ability. - 2 uses
Contract (Night) - Occupy a player, but prevent any other Unseen from visiting them. - Infinite uses
Counting Change (Night) - Nobody will be able to visit you tonight. Does not affect occupy immune classes. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Duchess

Unseen Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - If the King dies, you may become the next king by stating “I shall be the King” in the thread
Bat Eyelashes (Night) - Get a player’s class type - Infinite Uses
Dark Wisp (Night) - The Unseen will appear as Blue Dragon to investigations tonight - 2 Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Enforcer

Unseen Offensive
Protection (Night) - Prevent visits to a chosen Unseen member. - 3 Uses
Frenzy (Night) - Guarantees The Assassin will kill the target. Bypasses everything that may prevent your assassin from attacking. - 1 Use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Evil King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Special
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to being occupied or investigated.
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose to instantly execute any player with more than 33% of the votes needed to meet majority. Using this will permanently disable your Head of State passive. - 1 use
Royal Decree (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Guards! (Night) - Summon a guard to protect a player, granting them immunity for the night. If you are the starting King, you will have an extra guard. - 3 uses
Scheme (Night) - Starting King exclusive. The target player receives a envoy that will make them appear as Blue Dragon to all investigations. The envoy will be spent once activated. Choosing to use this ability again will remove the envoy from the previous target if they have not yet been spent. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

Crowned From

  • Baron
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock

The Herbalist

Unseen Offensive
Remedy Studies (Passive) - You are immune to nightshade poison and bleeding.
Drug (Night) - Trick a player into believing they were attacked and healed. They will not believe they were cured of Nightshade or Bleeding. - 3 uses
Defile (Night) - If targeted player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice, and their logs will remain hidden. You will be given their real class and logs. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Heretic

Unseen Support
Hearsay (Passive) - As long as you are alive, the Unseen may talk with each other during the day.
Contrition (Day) - You will be told the name of the next player to use a day ability. - Infinite Uses
Inquisition (Day) - If your target uses a day ability today, they will target themself - 2 Uses
Indulgence (Night) - Prevent your target from using any day abilities tomorrow. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Illusionist

Unseen Social
Telepathy (Day) - Anonymously send a single 1000 character message through the host to the chat. - 2 uses
Channel (Night) - Your two targets will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. You may target yourself - if you do not, you will later be given the entire conversation. - Infinite Uses
Construct Reality (Night) - Your target will receive incorrect feedback from their abilities tonight, and will appear to be the Assassin to any investigations. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Marshal

Unseen Investigative
Expose (Day) - Discover what day abilities were used on target player at the start of the night. Day abilities with no specific target count as targeting self. - 3 uses
Probe (Night) - Determine a player’s class if they are part of the Blue Dragon. - Infinite uses
Snoop (Night) - Choose a list of classes, with no size restrictions. You will know whether or not your target is one of those classes. - 4 uses

The Mastermind :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Special
Can’t Touch This (Passive) - Immune to occupation, target changing and death at night. Players who attempt to occupy you or change your target will believe it succeeded. Additionally, you will know who you would’ve been redirected to if a player attempts to change your target.
In the Shadows (Passive) - You do not appear as Unseen to all Investigative abilities before Day 4. If you are killed before this time, the next oldest Unseen member will replace you as Mastermind.
Dirty Work (Day) If there are no more Unseen members left, you can become the Assassin at the beginning of the night.
Convert (Night) - Change target player into the Unseen version of their Class. After failing to convert twice in a row, if your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite Uses, 1 Night Cooldown
Foresight (Night) Determine a player’s converted class type or if they cannot be converted. - 4 uses.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Mistress

Unseen Investigative
Service (Day) - Check if the target player has Royal Blood. - 2 uses
Poke Around (Day) - Look in someone’s Bedchambers to determine their class - 1 use
Matchmake (Night) - Check 2 players to see if they have the same class type - Infinite Uses
Room Service (Night) - Occupy a player - 2 Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Nightwatch

Unseen Investigative
Follow (Night) - Watch someone to see who visits them and who they visit - Infinite Uses
Watch Carefully (Night) - Reveal a player’s class. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Page

Unseen Support
Unskilled (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Train (Night) - Become the non-unique Unseen equivalent class of a deceased Blue Dragon player. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Poacher

Unseen Offensive
Isolation (Passive) - Occupy immune
Rabid Wolves (Day) - Lure rabid wolves to attack a player. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. The second use of this ability requires and expends one of the Assassin’s uses of Nightshade poison. - 2 Uses
Spike Traps (Night) - Set spike traps outside a player’s room, occupying them and preventing anyone from visiting. - 2 uses
Snare Trap (Night) - If the target player attempts to leave their room, they will be caught in the trap and prevented from visiting their target. Traps only work once per player. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Sage

Unseen Offensive
Dark Rune (Day) - If your target uses a day ability today, they will target themself - 1 Use
Shock (Day) - If your target uses a night ability tonight, they will target themself - 1 Use
Tornado (Night) - Swap two players’ positions, causing all players targeting one of them to target the other. - Infinite uses
Wall of Fire (Night) - Prevent all visits except that of The Assassin from affecting your target - 2 Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Sellsword

Unseen Support
Stonewall (Night) - Prevent all visits to a member of the Unseen - 3 Uses
Revenge (Night) - Kill a player who voted for a Unseen member - 1 Use
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Servant

Unseen Offensive
Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night.
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting them drunk. - Infinite Uses
Concentrated Wine (Night) - Throw a party, occupying all players who visit you tonight. Bypasses occupy immunity. - 2 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you



The Alchemist

Neutral Support
Coagulate (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding and nightshade poison.
Stoneskin Potion (Day) - Make yourself night immune tonight - 3 uses
Crimson Potion (Night) - Heal a target player, preventing their death. Also cure any poison or bleeding. - Infinite Uses
Emerald Potion (Night) - Poison a player, killing them - 2 Uses
Your objective is to remain alive until the game ends

Convert Immune

The Baron

Neutral Offensive
Forged Documents (Passive) - You may step up early to become the King, as if you had Royal Blood, and tied votes for the Kingship will always go in your favor; however, investigations that determine if you have Royal Blood will show that you do not have it.
Pull Rank (Day) - Your vote will count as two today. This will not be announced publicly or affect the number of votes required to reach majority. - 1 use
Proclaim Throne (Day) - Privately learn the King’s true alignment. - 1 use
Order (Night) - Negate the votes of a target player the next day. They can’t accuse anyone or vote tomorrow. The target still counts towards the voting majority. - 1 use
Ordain (Night) - Take Royal Blood from them if they have it. Give Royal Blood to them if they don’t. Targets that are affected by this will only learn of the change at the start of the next King election. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive to see the Blue Dragon’s demise.

Convert Immune

The Begrudged King :shield:

Neutral Special
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to being occupied or investigated.
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose to instantly execute any player with more than 33% of the votes needed to meet majority. Using this will permanently disable your Head of State passive. - 1 use
Royal Decree (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Guards! (Night) - Summon a guard to protect a player, granting them immunity for the night. - 3 uses
Contraband (Night) - Send an envoy to frame one of your targets - 3 uses
Your objective is to live to see 3 Blue Dragons publicly executed or to see the Blue Dragon defeated.

Convert Immune

Crowned from

  • Scorned

The Cowardly King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Neutral Special
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to being occupied or investigated.
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose to instantly execute any player with more than 33% of the votes needed to meet majority. Using this will permanently disable your Head of State passive. - 1 use
Royal Decree (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Guards! (Night) - Summon a guard to protect a player, granting them immunity for the night. - 3 uses
Hide (Night) - Nobody will be able to visit you tonight. Does not affect occupy immune classes. - 3 uses
Your objective is to remain alive until the game ends

Convert Immune

Crowned from

  • Alchemist
  • Trader

The Druid :shield:

Neutral Killer
Life Finds a Way (Passive) - You are immune to death, poison, and bleeding, and will not visit a target if it would cause your death.
Root Network (Passive) - Thick roots prevent investigations of your room, as well as any players that receive roots on the night they are investigated.Otherwise, Investigative classes will be able to determine if their target’s room has been rooted, in addition to their normal result.
Judgement of the Wild (Day) - Publicly mark someone, you will gain a use of Constricting Roots if they aren’t dead by the next day. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown
Rune of Growth (Day) - Spreading Roots can target two people tonight. - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown
Spreading Roots (Night) - Curl roots around a player’s room. - Infinite uses
Constricting Roots (Night) - Kill all players that are rooted. - 0 uses, loses one use per day
You win by eliminating the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and all others who seek to corrupt nature.

Convert Immune

The Fanatical King :shield:

Neutral Special
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to being occupied or investigated.
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose to instantly execute any player with more than 33% of the votes needed to meet majority. Using this will permanently disable your Head of State passive. - 1 use
Royal Decree (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Guards! (Night) - Summon a guard to protect a player, granting them immunity for the night. - 3 uses
Protect (Night) - Protect your target without the use of guard! - Infinite Use
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game.

Convert Immune

Crowned From

  • Mercenary

The Mercenary

Neutral Support
Looking for Work (Passive) - If your original target dies, you have 3 days to find another or you will die
Failure (Passive) - If your original target and your new target die, you will commit suicide
Offer Contract (Day) - If your original target dies, you may form a contract with another player during the day - 3 Uses
Stand Guard (Night) - Protect your target from any and all visits in addition you are night immune when you use this - 4 Uses
Rebound (Night) - Kill player who accused your target of treason - 1 use
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game, your target is [x]

Converts into The Sellsword.

The Possessor :shield:

Neutral Killer
Driven (Passive) - You cannot be occupied or killed at night.
Puppet Strings (Night) - Control a player and force them to kill someone. They will not be notified that they were controlled, unless you caused them to target themself. - Infinite uses
Possess (Night) - Kill the target player. Their class will appear as one of your choice, and they will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified). You will know what class they truly were, and what their logbook said. - 3 uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

Convert Immune

The Psychopathic King :shield:

Neutral Special
Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as two.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to being killed at night, occupied, or investigated.
Decide Fate (Day) - You may choose to instantly execute any player with more than 33% of the votes needed to meet majority. Using this will permanently disable your Head of State passive. - 1 use
Royal Decree (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted today. - 2 uses
Guards! (Night) - Summon a guard to protect a player, granting them immunity for the night. - 3 uses
Order Execution (Night) - Send a guard to kill a player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

Convert Immune

Crowned From

  • Demon
  • Possessor
  • Druid
  • Reaper

The Reaper :shield:

Neutral Killer
Undead (Passive) - You may talk with dead players, and start the game with two souls.
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. This does not work on attacks that pierce night immunity.
Icy Touch (Day) - Consume two souls to prevent a player from using day and night abilities today. The target will only be aware of being prevented if they attempt to use a day ability , and they will appear occupied at night. - Infinite uses
Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them and occupying them. The victim can not be healed. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. - Infinite uses
Gather Darkness (Night) - Consume two souls to kill a player. Bypasses death immunity, and the victim can not be healed. Their logbook will not be shown publicly, but you will privately receive it. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon, the Unseen, the Cult and any Neutrals who stand in your way

Convert Immune

The Scorned

Neutral Social
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to occupation and being killed at night.
Frame (Night) - Make your target appear guilty to Investigations. - 2 uses
Bait and Switch (Night) - Swap two players’ positions, causing all players targeting one of them to target the other. - 3 uses
Your objective is to live to see 3 Blue Dragons publicly executed or to see the Blue Dragon defeated.

Convert Immune

The Sorcerer :shield:

Neutral Killer
Third Eye (Passive) - You will not attack targets that are death immune, guarded by The Knight, or are an Unseen/Cult member.
Mage Armor (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation, poison, and bleeding.
Magic Missile (Night) - Fire a magic missile at a player, killing them.
Magic Circle (Night) - Everyone visiting target player will die. Unavailable before Night 3. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive to see the Blue Dragon defeated.

Convert Immune

The Trader

Neutral $upport
Entrepreneurial Spirit (Passive) - Becomes immune to occupation after being occupied twice (rather than three times).
Bankruptcy (Passive) - If you do not trade at least once every three nights, you will go bankrupt and be unable to use any night abilities for the rest of the game.
Advertise (Day) - Excite somebody about your product, making them immune to occupation and allowing you to Barter with them through occupy immunity for the next night - 2 uses
Barter (Night) - Trade supplies with another player, occupying them but also granting them night immunity for the night. - Infinite uses
We’re Closed! (Night) - Nobody will be able to visit you tonight. Does not affect occupy immune classes. - 3 uses
Your objective is to survive the game without going bankrupt.

Converts into The Broker.

The Warlock :shield:

Neutral Offensive
Bend Reality (Passive) - As long as you are alive, all Blue Dragon classes that would otherwise be immune to occupation are not.
Mindwarp (Day) - Cast a spell that reveals your target’s last night action to you. - 4 uses
Mind Control (Night) - Cast a spell that forces your target to target somebody of your choosing. - 2 uses
Carnage (Night) - Cast a spell that causes all kills tonight to bypass all forms of protection or prevention. - 1 use
Your objective is to survive to see the Blue Dragon’s demise.

Convert Immune




I am currently seeking a cohost!

@Marluxion has volunteered to take the job if nobody else does, but it didn’t sound like that would be his preferred option if somebody else wants to do it instead.

I am preferably seeking somebody with previous FoL hosting experience (although SFoL is close enough).

If you are interested, please shoot me a DM.

Can I /spectate?

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If you’re not up for cohosting, be my guest!

That’ll be good too, because this is basically my own mini test of what direction I think FoL proper should move towards going forward.

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Is this basically FoL but is Sfol?

Speaking of…


Like half of the recently announced FoL changes were in my class cards for this game first, but I had to keep them under wraps until the whole thing was ready to go. :angry:

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Sorry lol, I had those changes on the backburner for a while and it just happened to line up that way :stuck_out_tongue:


:angry: :angry: :angry:

But don’t worry

Mine is better

There is no Fool



question, does it use normal FoL classlist?

May be slight modifications to how things are rolled, but that’s mostly because Neutrals are handled quite differently.

Expect the familiar setup of King, MM/Assassin, NK, 1-3 Neutrals, and the rest BD.

Also, King will be rolled 66/33 Good/Evil.

By the way, please critique the classes!

Thanks, I made a lot of changes, and I want to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

Honestly the more I think about Fool the more I’m inclined to agree. A class that ~50% of the players who voted on the last Fool-related poll don’t enjoy playing or being in a game with probably isn’t a very good one. Of course there’s the matter of not having enough non-NK neutrals, but looking at the ones you’ve added I’m quite interested to see how this plays out.

I stole most of them from Plex tbh

A bit of tweaking here and there, but still


Im expecting to see a Broker this game kek

Also Sorcerer is basically Demon but objectively more interesting

So I changed that too

And a lot of stuff

It’s more like actual ToL now too