SFoL2: Regicide I [Day 6]

What else are we supposed to believe?

That Deadfrien killed him?

Deadfrien already said that she didn’t. no reason to lie if she’s AD, and if BF, no reason to kill a fellow BF.

dinomask couldn’t have killed him because prince doesn’t visit at night.

ergo, PKR was AD.


of course, the traitor could throw a wrench in things.

we’ll just have to keep that in mind.


Wait, I love how PKR was saying if ani chose badly, he would be killed. As if he was suspecting them…

/vote aniketos

BF more than likely thought that the investigatives were protected.

Aniketos should have been and probably was on either myself, the noble, or the observer.

Prince is not as useful as those roles.


We may need to question them when they come back then…

I freezed NumberFTW

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I secretly knows that the dead guy is AD


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yeah freezing noble seems to be optimal

You mean the priest, but I have to agree…

Why freeze the priest?

I mind linked with PKR. Pretty useless now that I think about it.

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I’m forging fake evidence for my trial as a procecutor prodigy.

Well what use is the Priest exactly?

I didn’t do anything.

Speak to the dead and revive people I think


Although it stopped him from doing anything, at least he’s save for that night.

When Prince is revived, I can go to him instead.


Guys read the roles list Priest can’t revive ppl

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Now it makes sense. But nevertheless, they can still talk to the dead

All right.


According to the role list I can only guard someone twice.