SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

Seriously deleting a post that can get me mod killed won’t get me mod killed.

Uhh, I’m not going to look at this but I’m pretty sure that you aren’t supposed to be quoting anything from your class card or whatever.
Can we just stop this discussion right now.

Zone do you have any opinions that aren’t “we need to kill Arete now”?
Also CRichard, I take it you think Wazza/Unknown are mostly fine, right?

But I wasn’t quoting from class card.

Yes. Lynch one among the following pool: Anstreim/UnknownTraveler/Emilia
All you three were delaying the massclaim when I proposed for one.
I suppose cheese could technically fit in here as well…

Ans has already claimed summoner FYI.

I know. I even talked about his N3 action.
It doesn’t change my first impression of him though.

I got the impression that you did but let’s just drop it.

Personally, going over Chloe’s/TBE’s/Eighty’s reads, I think Unknown is likely not starting groupscum? A lot of things that they’ve done don’t make much sense from scum point of view imo, like the nulllist had absolutely no reason to be posted when they could’ve just made a few weak consensus reads and sit it out.
Though I’m still a bit concerned about them dropping.

Okay, let me re-phrase. Do you have any social reads that don’t rely on claiming or whatever.

Social reads? I don’t read based off past history, and so far I have only socially interacted with those whom I have talked with Today.

If it is favoritism… then I like Centuries, and I don’t like you nor UnknownTraveler.
Everyone else is more of a big null to me.

I’m still torn on Emilia being the jettison target today. They seem to be trying to help out as I’d expect from townies. I wouldn’t mind if Mode were to tell us right now it’s a reaction test.


u can guess my actions

what are the reasons to execute me here in your opinion

Emilia have you read my wallpost? Or at least the section on you:

on you not dying but considering your claim eh

in case you are cult I think its fake

Because Mode claimed you told him you’re evil though that does sound a little odd coming from your slot.
Mind you I’m still wondering if that is a reaction test Mode has set up here.

I did I was responding to other stuff first

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82 doesnt have it in logs and I dont see what would be point of me claiming even if I was scum

What would I even gain from fakeclaiming bleed on D2 though.
We had no deaths aside from what I assume is PKR’s kill on N2, so drawing out healers wouldn’t make sense, and I was already pretty much widely TR’d/TL’d – it’s not like I would gain any ‘cred’ from it.
In my last scumgame (61.5) I fakeclaimed bleed on myself to buy time because I was solo MM on D3 – I think if I was scum it would make a whole lot more sense to claim that bleed yesterday instead? Since it looks like it was erad night.

Welp. Yep. Nothing much could be said about our logs.

You do realize that anything coming from Mode is bad, right? He’s literally the guy who used TbC on D2 and wasted the whole Day with it.

Also I absolutely wouldn’t be making any conclusions before Seth explains himself.