SFoL62 - Regal Lions - Cult and Oneiromancer Victory!

that would be cool but also gamethrowy

Anstreim was the stronger convert N2 because he was far more active

And no converts were necessary past that

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I know, but I wish they would give others a chance instead of converting in the top 3 strong players. There might be some others who are quite strong players that never get converted

I just ask that people give the ā€œweakerā€ players a chance in the convert game, thatā€™s all. For example I havenā€™t been a convert in one of these games once and I havenā€™t really had a chance to prove anything

that would have been so much effort though

but lit

also every time someone called me ā€œEightySecondsā€ i wanted to die

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That was Seth.
I intentionally corrected him every time.

i never corrected him once on purpose

idk why

the uncensored details behind me slipping on my main

still a bit mad at myself

but meh

i still had a fair bit of fun so its ok



You know what. Iā€™m just glad that my Jane messaging Blizer out of the blue tinfoil was right

and then not caring when PK responded

wait holy shit that was both starting wolves youā€™re a gamer

jane did decent misclearing themselves but didnt follow up by being towny much

blizer shoulda died D2 but seth did things

still mad at that

sapped a lot of my WiM

I thought it was Jane+PK from the message, but I wanted Jane dead regardless

Is Scum Chat not going to be revealed, btw?

The link was posted by Amelia nerd.

Had to sub out since my WiM tanked to almost zero out of nowhere though

PK was super obvtown when they revealed

granted i had a bit of TMI cause i was the support visit but still

The reason I think more off the wall reads like that are effective on this site though is that a lot of wolves here are clearly good enough at FM to appear very townie when making reads and pushing people. And other players can be made out to look scummy regardless of what they are, because they canā€™t explain their own reads or argue against someone whoā€™s just better at arguing.

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if i was oneiro i would add myself first, act extremely confused and then get cleared of being oneiromancer because of it