SFoL8: Extreme Multiball (Brotherhood Wins)

Exactly why I call it BH not BoH. Anyway, it is up to everyone in the game to choose.

im saying it still confuses a lot of people

I need 10 more people to join!

welp, maybe after FoL 9 has completed…

/sign me up

will both unseen and brotherhood exist? or just one of the two?

Both will exist.
Hence why it’s a Multiball.
Multiball games contain Multiple factions which would normally be something like 2 good factions or 2 evil factions. Or something as crazy as 2 good, 2 evil and 3 neutral factions :stuck_out_tongue:

can unseen convert brotherhood, and vice versa?

/join /sign me up coach /etc.

Pretty sure all scum/evil are conversion immune

That much should be obvious.
The last thing we want is all the Brotherhood being outed because one of them was turned by the Unseen.

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It would be like amfia finding serial kiler via him being immune in town of salem; they might keep them alive to fight BD.

Though they probably would just out them so BD has to take the time to execute them

Okay basically:
Unseen cannot convert Sheriff, Prince, BH and Neutrals besides Merc.
Brotherhood can’t recruit Constable, Prince, Unseen and Neutrals besides Merc

I am questioning something though…
@ThePlex can Unseen convert Constable and BH recruit Sheriff? That’s something which wouldn’t have been answered or asked before, I believe

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Immune to Conversion and Immune to Recruitment are practically the same.

It’s funny. I do not regard the Brotherhood as villains.

I regard the Unseen and the Cult as villains. But not the Brotherhood.

The unseen are not the villains.

the rank of villain hood, from highest to lowest:

-blue dragon


Also you should add a link to maid and Squire ;3

Maid - https://forum.imperium42.com/t/maid-blue-dragon-investigator-and-waitress-unseen-investigator/1065
Squire - https://forum.imperium42.com/t/class-suggestion-squire-blue-dragon-support-page-black-rose-support/184

Never thought I’d say it.
But, I fully agree with you there.

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Extreme Multiball you say?

You know what that reminds me of?


Maid and Squire are already in FoL