SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

There is mention he got vined as well?

Since I targetted two people I imagine one of them was vined. For the record, the wording I used was “Matchmake PKR and Moleland”. I don’t know if that means that PKR was vined because I named him first or that one of the two options were vined. However, I don’t believe the Druid would vine the person he marked, that seems wasteful in case someone decided to yolokill Moleland to deny the Druid his mark in the morning.

I’m gonna say this.
Me and Wolfy are lock town, as people have said I am and I’m saying Wolfy is.
Methnor is strong-ish town
Mole isn’t Druid, Frost prob isn’t.
Jammy’s Neut Pala King. So not her either…

At the moment, we have to wait for more people to weigh in, especially Ici.

As soon as anyone posts, if they don’t pardon, they’re suspicious

Pardons: Me, wolf-Kun, Methnor, Moleland

@Sketch @Icibalus @Insanity @Rogue @RopeStringFace @JammySplodge pardon this as soon as you see this.
Also please be more active and discuss.
Or else we stand no chance

Oh btw I can’t look at cards because it’s not “for fakeclaim reasons” :stuck_out_tongue:


Jammy… Pardon this…

@JammySplodge You did killed Adiart cult role, that prove your role as Neutral Paladin King. It’s something that can’t be denied you are telling the truth here.

Also I am telling the truth as Eevee told there is no errors previous night, and I am telling I wasn’t attacked by PKR at all, that PKR targeted someone else which is Icibalus is concerning that he lied how his night went, not slept peacefully at his end.

As I said, I didn’t kill Polik

Well, something did. It looks like Simon (by way of Frostwolf’s switching) was the scum nightkill, and the Prince didn’t off Polik because Insanity was the one that was jailed.
Something isn’t adding up, especially with the lack of N1 deaths.

That could be PKR if Icibalus himself is denying.

Not to mention Simon is Soulcatcher, didn’t have have one soul by standard?

I actually have no idea about that. That’s a good question, but I’m willing to believe that they don’t start with any souls.
A Town Soulcatcher seems pretty bad tbh, I think that was just a horrible low-roll when Eevee generated the classes for this game.

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Really. Frost, after me admitting I’m wrong, now you dare to push me?
We still have a Prince who can execute you tonight. In case you’re lying

I didn’t say I am going to push you.

Calm your tits.

You’re saying I killed someone who I didn’t if Ici claims I’m lying. No offence, but would Ici really willingly admit I’m right? As Druid is NI, something we want gone


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So Ici self confirmed themselves as scum?
You’re a lucky Scorned, you get your win

I am, I am.

I am also concerned why Simon got killed that like that, wasn’t he suppose to be immune to death once?

He didn’t mention he got attacked at night 1 did he? I am going to search it.