SFoL9: Blender - GAME ENDED. Adiart & Paladin win!

That entire post was referring to PKR, BTW, for context.

You’re our biggest lead to the Druid atm.
Please at least understand and respect that…

Yes, I know that.

However, Frost is confirmed Demwir to me, so we all need him dead.
You can lynch me tommorow, but please kill Frost first.

Ici, how is Frost confirmed Demwir?
Explain why he’s not Neutral

Because I was attacked twice in a row.

If Frost is Demwir, or someone else performing the factional kill, they target me N1.
They then target me again to see if I’m Druid or not…
And find that I’m immune once more.

As such, he thinks that I’m the Druid, and decides to deathtunnel me himself to get rid of Demwir’s main killing rival in exchange for one of their members.

Combined with their incredibly scummy actions, Frost is confirmed scum.

Aaand doink! They didn’t target you again, PKR did, and Frost didn’t even know that until PKR realized he made a mistake earlier. Demwir killed Simon (via RopeStringFace being swapped, if Frost is telling the truth).

But here’s the thing: Frost isn’t.

For goodness sake, see my logic for a second.

Regardless, then Demwir killed Simon tonight. So? They still didn’t target you a second time.
If my Poke Around comes back unfavorable for you, you’re going down. Frostwolf is a safe Prince execution or lynch tomorrow if there’s no other information.

But here’s the thing Meth: I had no way of figuring out that PKR made a mistake.

So he isn’t confirmed scum then, but I still think that we should lynch him today.

May I remind you that Prince is not neccecarily Adiart?

My theory was incorrect. So what?

Frost is still scum.

I know he’s not, but he didn’t execute Polik or Insanity. If he’s Demwir, why would he even jail them? He knows who his allies are.
Unless he’s playing the long game and saving executions (which seems foolish with a factional nightkill, that combined with Prince could ruin Adiart quickly).

Sorry, let me explain what I meant at the start of that post better:
Why would a Demwir Prince jail his allies to not execute them?

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No no no, Frost dosen’t even need to be jailed.
The Demwir Prince can basically just stack his execution as a second nightkill, and basically force us to lynch Frost tommorow.

In short, we can’t rely on the Prince here.

But if he hasn’t executed Adiart members the first two nights, why would he start now? Killing 2 Adiart a night for the first 3 nights of a game in a 14-player game seems like too good of an opportunity to pass up.
The Prince might be a Neutral but I don’t believe they’re Demwir.

To give themself an adaquete fakeclaim if they are forced to claim today?

Okay then.
I’ll say this now.

Prince, as soon as you see this post, out yourself.
I am a P-Much confirmed healer.
I won’t let you die.
If you follow my orders, that is.
As a confirmed Aidart member, I shall lead you.

But I wanted heals :frowning: I can find factions!

Be quiet for now Methnor.
Listen to me and this will go well.

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Scorned sounds like a good claim for a Cultist
