Short Fuse 2: Shorter Fuse [Misplays Galore] (Game Over: Mafia Wins)

Oh it was only two


Killing Sam and Merc were dumb moves and you should both feel bad

Also scum!Baz straight-up deserves a win rn

In other words donā€™t kill baz tbh

Eh, Iā€™d like for you to elaborate your thought process on me bombing Sam and Maxi bombing Merc.

I think both were irrational when we knew Marl was going to flip today 100%

I donā€™t think Sam had even said anything so while I can appreciate the want for agency I also dislike the fact that you ā€œfellā€ for such obvious bait

Also Iā€™m seriously underestimating Maxā€™s testicles if he is scum tbqh

And you can quote me on that

Not really, what struck me is how you attribute my actions to reckless idiocy instead of malice. Your comment felt a bit too informed for my tastes.

Max is the one I think is cleared gor his actions

Yours could go either way

I donā€™t see your point

Unless you mean to imply it would be less stupid and reckless for you to kill Sam as scum, a prospect I donā€™t agree with

I meant that your comments effectively had ā€œAlice is townā€ as a given despite that I had yet to do anything to put me on the townbloc.

Other than that, aside from Hja who else do you believe has a strong chance of flipping wolf?

Wait a second

He liked it


Now I have to blow him up

idk yet tbh

Also you are in no sort of townbloc atm

Wait are you reading this as positive towards you

My list of town is at Captain, Geyde, and Meteoro.

I meant that as in your comment. Why did you discount the possibility that I could be scum and I detonated Sam as a last-ditch attempt to at least damage the village before I got blown up?

I donā€™t ever remember discounting that

Thatā€™s literally what ā€œfalling for the baitā€ let you do

I want you blown up just for using light theme.

Iā€™m sorry we canā€™t all use the superior theme, sucks to be you I guess :man_shrugging:

This emoji signifies a wolfy post.

I hope this is plurality otherwise we lost and might as well forfeit
