Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

Because you’re more likely to be a wolf here. And I already explained why yuh. That guide on how to play as mafia that I posted a link to sums up how you’re playing exactly.

Grace and Gorta are the only two that I’m 100% certain are town today. Light I’m virtually certain is town. As for Centuries, I’m pretty sure he’s town.

These are the major points of the Wind/Arete interaction

after going through the quotes and interaction in the wall


wind looks, pretty bad here tbh

tell me what you think about fk
because you left him out in this assessment

you think me/fk/blizer is a viable team then, or? walk me through it


this is also applies to FK aswell

cause that interaction also existed


Yes I do and about FK, if he’s wolves with you, he’d be in a great position if he could get you yeeted. Also, we flat out lose in a world where you’re a villager that survives today, we flat out lose because the wolves will convince town that you’re a wolf and get you mislynched.

im too tired to argue with leafia logic rn

is it too late to policy

for fk

this is a joke

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ok going to sleep be back soon im too tired to think or play

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gorta doesnt look bad from the sulit hammer

it was going to happen regardless

osie kill, sure, i can give ya that

im gunna do all my schoolwork as fast as humanly possible (will still be a long time, probably), then… re-read the entire game
i think its about time i did that with all flips in mind
i keep getting like halfway through d1 and wanting to die

im sitting on last night’s reads so i can let them marinate and figure some stuff out without showing my cards too early

ive never felt this big of a drop in energy in my entire time playing fm
my wim is lower than when marl tunneled me

for now i’ll park here, because it still feels right

/vote Centuries

i miss my sulit

:orangutan: :butter: :pensive:

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Ban Count

Getting Banned Banners Votes to be Banned
Chloe Leafia 1/5
Centuries Chloe 1/5
Not Voting Light, Centuries, Firekitten, an_gorta_pratai, WindwardAway, Grace, Blizer 7

Me too :disappointed:

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This was the statement I misunderstood

I think another point of why Leafia is town is that…their jump from yesterday makes little sense from an agenda perspective. They aren’t looking at what sounds believable, they are saying what they think is believable which is a big difference between how mafia and town treats the game

thats fine tbh


i want you, chloe and cents to re-eval each other

i want to see all 3 of your mindsets and reads on the other two slots

i mean

at this point, its just established leafia is town here

They are towncored

what made you change your read on me


these type of statements I do not like from Chloe because they seem to be in bad faith