Shortnight 2: Return of the POGGERS - Day 5 [6/15] - Mafoa win, Everybody (including chloe) loses

I hate mafia plz let me sleep

this isn’t ai but I hate the fact that I rely on meds to sleep and it scares me

everyone except fk is trying to pocket me

Maybe listen to the person who isn’t pocketing you, then

Wind if you are actually town here, which I doubt but technically isn’t impossible, I think you should seriously rethink how you make reads, you’ve basically spent the entire day confbiasing yourself based on the conclusion you want to see and only evaluating things from that perspective and considering whether it fits with that perspective, rather than actually considering other possibilities and trying to figure out what makes the most sense, if you’re actually a villager that’s a bad habit to be in and your reads will be more accurate if you can break it

trying to sleep without looking is hard

if you’re a wolf then carry on, you had most of the game pocketed before a couple hours ago so clearly you’re doing something right

who is this meant to be for

Wind if they are town

maybe we been reading different posts but it’s pretty clear that wind wasn’t confirm biasin himself

like iirc he was thinking about different worlds

my mind is frazzled tho

I was but Arete wants to make it look like I have been confbiased the entire day, which I have not been

I’m hallucinating but that’s ok!

And yes that is my counter to Arete
I am not that dumb and neither are they

Wind whats your exact poe

Outer PoE:


Inner PoE:



I’ve gotten called out for confbiasing before, both times in LyLo, and one time it was a wolf who called me out for confbiasing him to death and the other time it was town.

More specifically the “you’re being a shitty villager” argument came from the wolf

i’ve gotten that one a lot this game :wowee:

tbf tho it aint wrong

this is so unhealthy