Smalltowns and Dragons (WIP: Do not join yet)

another reason you need an order of operation is because commutes lol. How does this apply to the bard since bard is basically a strongman/strong willer (I don’t know if it’s a strongman or a strong willer since you don’t have a order of operation)

Basically, if the bard makes someone action a priority then a kill should go BEFORE the commute. However I don’t know if you intended this and instead if you didn’t intend this then make the order of operations reflect this

another problem is how does this interact with a swap? If someone swaps themselves with the jail keeper what happens? Which goes first (another reason for an order of operations). Unless you can’t self target then lol

there’s an angle shooting problem here but it should be easy since no one is going to cheat hopefully

just make it clear in rules you can’t like posts while dead

funny enough this may be useful to lynch a 100% Confirmed evil. If you check this person then check a scumread if they are compatible then it’s confirmed that the other person is evil. However this gives less information to them so it’s a niche strategy

How does lost wolf work with the parity check? Lost wolf in regicide was compatible with bd and not compatible with scum

All good questions which I will answer when I reach my PC

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game looks balanced just need to cover all possibilities tbqh

also can’t remember if I asked this but will people be notified if they were redirected? Can killers leave death notes? Will an investigative be notified?

also math is easy here 12 x 12=144 combinations-2 from the restricted ones=142

I think my math is right on the first half not sure on the second half

No death notes
Invests will be notified that their target has changed, but not to whom
otherwise, others would not be notified

No self-targeting with abilities.

I want to put an order of operations in the OP, I just don’t know which order they’d go in yet. I’d need to see when I’m more awake.

Let me see what I think the Order of operations should be

Strongwilled Person
Any Other Action

something like this

If I missed something important tell me

do we need to fight

I’m making a drinking game of every time someone does a blame Solic.


I was blaming Geyde because squire is good but that’s a good idea too

Elf imho should only receive what abilities were used but not who on. Otherwise that could out scum.

math the point of elf is so scum don’t use their abilities that scummy unless they want to kill the elf

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