Smalltowns and Dragons (WIP: Do not join yet)

Ascetic does what?

all non-killing abilities on them will fail

Actually this is a great resource to work from

What about passively knowing everyone who ever targeted a lynched player? Doesn’t say on which night

Just know that it is unimpactful

Some of these are broken af but you can get an idea of what could work
I will slam this setup if it tries to add a vengeful :^)

I was thinking of having dwarves be immune to poison, or maybe having an adrenaline-like feature where they die the night after they would normally

That could work.

Only to poison though
If we are talking regular night kills, that’s crazy

I think you have this covered now, so I’ll leave. Thanks for taking over Geyde.

Good luck Blue.

I don’t really wanna add too many negative passives

I suppose it doesn’t really matter who sees it really since it’s an open setup anyhow

Very neutral-ish passives are good.

Like ‘Loud’

Make monk a tracker though.
You could introduce a ninja to the setup which would open up space

Tryna think which would be the best race for talking to the dead

Or would you avoid that with a deathcop in play?

Make the mediums limited though.
Like it can get a short message from target dead player, once

It’s a flipless game for a reason

Also Geyde

Have you discovered my love for having living players use dead players’ abilities