Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

The mistake you guys made was attacking weird answers and not probing them for information about why they said what they did. Also, you kept saying outloud that people were giving wrong answers…

Don’t worry guys, game’ll be 10x easier if i roll non-spy :^)

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My guesses were;

Broadway Theatre

Then Church

Then Airplane

200~ people
Wine involved
At the time, I thought Marl was town so I thought about “Watching” something.

Orange really led me to believe it was airplane with his answer about flying to see family and also his multiple choice question involving two airline employees.

You guys did a great job at hiding the location, but not so much at interrogating others. I wanted to ask so many questions…


Round Two Begins!

The first person to ask a question to another player is @Simon
For reference to all (including the spy!) The following locations are possible.
Amusement Park
Arctic Research Station
Art Museum
Broadway Theatre
Candy Factory
Cat Show
Circus Tent
Coal Mine
Construction Site
Corporate Party
Crusader Army
Day Spa
Gaming Convention
Gas Station
Harbour Docks
Ice Hockey Stadium
Jazz Club
Military Base
Movie Studio
Night Club
Ocean Liner
Passenger Train
Pirate Ship
Police Station
Race Track
Retirement Home
Rock Concert
Service Station
Space Station
The U.N

Marl is currently leading with two points

Spaghetti sapphic mah sentri

Wtf why did spah correct to spaghetti


Ask away @Simon

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ah, fun fact i have no idea because ive avoided looking at my role until now

im sadly just about to go get something, so itll be ~5 mins before i can ask

this has nothing to do with any roles, so any part of the answer that may concern your role should just be left out.
whats your favorite VR game?
Rec Room,
Windlands (yes theres a VR port)
Job Simulator
Budget cuts

I haven’t played any VR so I’m afraid I cant answer it, I do want to try it though

well you know it does have to do with the location

so i suggest you answer.
look up the games if necessary

Yee, this one should be pretty obvious if you know the location, just from the titles
Three of them have absolutely nothing to do with the location

Love ya too. :wink: I like when someone has a grugde just because “He didn’t think like me”.

Also sorry guys you were talking while i was quite busy, so sorry for “not defending myself”.
(At least i know why did you push me),


@Moleland can I spectate this round too? Was fun last round, would be nice to know the spy’s name too seeing what he comes up with

I don’t think orange is super angry about it
And i looked back, and every question you answered was one that i asked i’m pretty sure
so i can’t really blame you for having wonky answers

also nobody expects an immediate defense or response so you’re fine

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I wouldn’t call them completely wrong, since every my answer was true but it’s okay. :smile:

Althought your first answer was correct even if you based on wrong assumptions. :thinking:

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I didn’t say your answers were wrong, i said they were ‘wonky’
:stuck_out_tongue: they were odd and a tad indirect
but your role was weird so it’s excusable


Who has question?

At least i made a good job with keeping location in secret and it even if i made “wonky” answers it didn’t backfired because you wasn’t suspected as spy.