Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

Simon was secretly a professional this whole time!

oh well, i’ll take second place. I’d rather have rolled spy too much instead of being like Orange in which i never roll spy.


Max never got spy either. I think you guys in general asked too many metaphorical questions Imo.

@Twil1ight is the spy, but gets to guess the location

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unfortunately not that it matters… Twilight is 4 points behind.

It’s their chance to bring the spy winrate down reduce it to three points.


Yea… thanks for being a jerk whole game. :confused:
Very appreciated.

But it’s time for unlucky shot!
/guess Candy Factory

I’m not a player, but I’d guess that’s wrong personally.
As, isn’t it too obvious with a question literally about sweets?
Unless the trick was “Oh, the answer was all of the above and more!”

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Don’t worry buddy. I’m not expect to guess correctly since they would vote me no matter what I say. :slight_smile:

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It was a pirate ship

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Didn’t have capitalized guess it now /s

Yeah no idea. XD

Very very clever.
I got that from one clue
“Jolly Rogers”

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Assuming it comes from your question when someone said somethin’ about spaceship.


I don’t think it’s possible to win if you never become spy :thinking: the best you can do is a tie


Unless everyone else got spy and you guess the spy right always

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@orangeandblack5 I saw this and thought something to do with the seas

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After all since it was supposed to be Jolly Ranchers.
Yet he slipped Jolly Rogers.
I knew the flag was relevant

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Anyway thanks goodness this game is over. Since Noz and Kitten left the gameplay was so serious that it was game about your live. I should left the game it wasn’t fun for me at all. :confused:

Nah that was just him being dumb and giving it away while they could still guess

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