Spyfall (Game 1 Simon wins)

I figured night watchman or something

Oh that?
I was going for a movie reference, if it helps

…The seventh sense?

did you just

6th actually

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Can you stop being good at mafia? thanks. It’s giving you an unfair advantage here!

I only make excuses like this as scum btw

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And the question I almost asked was “out of all the rps on the forum, which name do you think I would like the most” the answer being OG Marcus of course

I think a better way you could have worded it was

“How many senses would you need to feel something special here?”

that might be too obvious though

Well I was thinking something like that, but then it would be 6, not 6th

Yep was p sure lmao

Sucks I was asleep

The spy has figured out the location.

Marl gets three points.


Marl 7 points
Noz 0 points
Everyone else 2 points

Location Cemetery


Noz - Poet
Marl - Spy
Orange - Flower seller
Fire - Relative
Twilight - Grave Robber
Simon - Gate Keeper.

Round four will begin once I get a replacement for noz.

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I pray to rng orange doesn’t roll spy multiple times
it’s like the only way anyone is catching up to me

Orange/Simon really

Or you roll spy lots and lose

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Don’t you curse me with this moleman

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I shall add a new rule.

If the spy is voted by one person, they cannot guess the location. Votes are reset when a new question is asked. The spy can stack a guess with me in dms if someone keeps locking them down.

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That’s a good rule probably
Otherwise you can just guess when you’re one vote away from lynch for max bonus points

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Marl picked up this location fast.

It’s hard to be obscure about a graveyard in all fairness
It’s purpose and feel are very unique

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I would have asked gotcha questions like, “Would this be a good place to hold a party” for example.