Ok, so min and Marl expressed having trouble reading Aelin due to tonal change

Has PKR expressed anything of the sort? Did he have any difficulty reading Aelin or did he give a read on her at all?

Not sure what read PKR had on Aelin, I have to look at PKR’s ISO later, but I think Aelin’s treatment of PKR in her ISO is wierd and W/W for me.

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Ok, I’m gonna keep that in mind and look through ISOs again later.

Youd think I’d remember since I went through Aelins ISO a couple times already but nothing about PKR is sticking in my memory

There’s a thing called clicking on someone’s profile and seeing a discord name :slight_smile:


There is something I saw PKR do already today that I think is questionable, but I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt for a bit until I look back on stuff and read up.


Frick I guess that makes sense

But still it’s odd to me

Why didn’t I remember that

I assumed she was new because I’d never heard of Aelin before.
So I said my first post.

When she then said that she’s not new.
I thought “Fuck me” and clicked the thing.

I don’t exactly see what’s odd? It kinda was just logical step by step for me.

Alright… but I still think there’s some wierd play there, intentional or not.

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This is the only post I found from PKR giving a read on Aelin

I’m too tired to look for Aelins read on PKR

Bruh I find that slightly not believable

Anyway imma go to sleep now but I’ll give it more thought when I wake up

You know I really wish there was a in thread search function so I could quote posts Aelin is responding to faster

I tried and failed to find an efficient way to filter posts here

Holy shit I think I’m onto something
I’ll post it tomorrow though

not very efficient but still

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Too bad you can’t use the search feature in tandem with an ISO
the search function just cancelled out the ISO when I tried



or just use Control + F i think it was

wait nvm fol decided to replace it