3/5 after tigral i guess

Basically the question:

Why are people so quick to trust EVO?

what’s your role then?

Maybe there’s areason for that ):<

  1. Come to see thread
  2. See how much it went astray
  3. Yawn
  4. Write stupid post with numeration of how much current situation is stupid
  5. Go away.
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There’s two people with a check on you technically.

Well now 1 now that you claim PR, but weh.

The power of 2 people makes it much more believable

I’m gonna say it straightforward, while I was away you managed to throw the game for no reason.


A lot of people actually.

Hows the first one inceiminating in any way
So im not a VT
What could be the reason for me to not want to reveal that d2?

It’s still a check regardless.

If you want to argue that EVO is lying sure I’ll listen.

It’s not like I read you as scum or town.

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explain this
in what world do you trust 2 scumleans over a null, when they don’t even have the same info
the only info that’s revelent here is EVO’s

Let’s start with Marl self quick hammering themselves in 7 vs 6 situation, where convincing one person would save them.

Or at least not quickhammer the day when I was still around and didn’t vote yet.
So did PKR.

Marl literally gave up and voted themselfs.
Which unless they thought EVO is town PR (and according to theirs posts did not), was plain gamethrowing.

There were like 10 min left in the day

Let’s go with EVO reaction testing people before they get eliminated today, to try to leave a legacy and… outing 2 PRs as a process.

Oh yeah, EVO is obviously not cop, and they even softed it way earlier.
They also would use it on day 1 EoD when they were on L-1.
They also didn’t pick fight with PKR later.
They also picked 4 people to put pressure on them at first.

Evo is trying to leave the legacy.
And manages to out most PR claims.

Cloned why are you with the assumption that I somehow know you are PR automatically.

Also it’s a redcheck from EVO still.

PKR checking you as non-VT increase your chances of being mafia when paired up with a redcheck.

I need to check what this means.
Why 2 neopolitans?

I’m one.
And EVO did not claim neopolitan…

So where’s the second neopolitan?



maybe there’s a mafia neopolitan and he slipped it? :grinning:

Let’s go with Cloned and PKR claiming PRs the moment where there is no need to, cause EVO is obviously lying and you both should know about it.

Did you consider just come out… naturally instead of saying “look at me, I’m PR”?

EVO literally softed all day long that they are not the cop and try to get reactions.
They acted according to it.

And you felt pressure to come out and out yourself?
Especially if you both knew they are lying to begin with?
Then if you know they are lying, why do you play into theirs game?