Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
eevee EVO, lol 2/6
GonZ Intensify, PokemonKidRyan 2/6
cdecora EliThePsycho 1/6
EVO GonZ 1/6
lol Tilgarial 1/6
[No exe] cdecora, eevee 2/6
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, WindwardAway 2

EOD3 is at 2021-04-01T19:50:00Z.

I had to be vague or else my ability would be truly useless…

Also i’m on 3659. Anything i should note down on the latest post? I’m on the road rn and wont be able to read properly till 4ish hour from now.

Summary: Votehistory D1:last 300 posts

Vote-state roughly 300 posts before EOD (I wanted to make it 3 hours, but alas, it doesn’t show that anymore, only days. Orz)

Voteprogression with a focus on top wagons:
Tilgarial changes votes from Marl to EVO, making it 3/5
Lol votes Marl, making it 4/5
EVO votes marl, making it 5/5
Intensify votes intesify, topwagons at 5/5
Gorta votes EVO, making it 5/6
Intensify votes marl, making it 6/6
Eli changes votes from EVO to marl, making it 5/7

Marl selfhammers

Ps: I’m currently gathering the vote history in one place for easier access, might as well share

Pps: I hope this does what i think it does, namely link the posts


I think you started by writing the vote counts as Marl/EVO but then switched to EVO/Marl somewhere?

well I guess Intensify wasn’t opposed to having tied wagons lol


actually I had a thought on that

to be fair i don’t think the constant fear of tied wagons is necessary, we had atleast 10 minutes left i’m pretty sure. start panicking when it’s like 3 minutes left

oh it’s not that. I had a different thought entirely.

don’t worry about that i’m completely out of the loop. just a thought i had since that reminded me of it

wondering if I’m tinfoiling but I have a guess as to Intensify’s role

btw on a semi-unrelated note yesterday I compiled that list of who was present at each EoD.

Thread presence at EoD1/EoD2:

Wind was present/present
Cloned was present/absent
Min was present/ -
lol was present/present
EVO was present/present
Intensify was present/present
Eli was present/absent
Marl was present/ -
Aelin was present/present
GonZ was present/absent
Tilga was present/present
Gorta was absent/present
cdecora was absent/absent
PKR was absent/absent
Eevee was absent/absent


and i will be present again, probably less active tho, kinda busy

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Summary:D2 votehistory

Votestate roughly 300+backscrolling to latest votecount

PKR votes cloned, EVO-2 Cloned-2
Intensify votes cloned, EVO-1 Cloned-3
GonZ votes cloned, EVO-1 Cloned-4
Tilgarial votes cloned, EVO-1 Cloned-5
Cloned votes EVO, EVO-2 Cloned-5
Tilgarial unvotes, EVO-2 Cloned-4
Intensify unvotes, EVO-2 Cloned-3
PKR unvotes, EVO-2 Cloned-2
Lol votes EVO, EVO-3 Cloned-2
[Wind votes Eli] ([Standard] NUF FM 2 - Day 3 (11/15) - #2973 by WindwardAway) Eli-1 EVO-3 CLONED-2
Intensify votes PKR, EVO-3 cloned-2 PKR-1
EVO votes intensify, Intensify-1 EVO-3
Wind votes intensify, EVO-3 intensify-2
Lol votes Eli, Eli-1 EVO-2 Intensify-2
Aelin votes lol, EVO-2 INTENSIFY-2, lol-1
Aelin votes intensify, intensify-3 EVO-2
Wind votes lol, intensify 2 EVO 2 lol 1
EVO votes lol, intensify 1 EVO 2 LOL 2
Aelin votes lol, EVO 2 LOL 3
Tilgarial votes lol, EVO 2 LOL 4
Gorta votes EVO, EVO 3 LOL 4
Gorta unvotes EVO 2 LOL 4
Lol votes EVO, EVP 3 LOL 4
Gorta votes EVO, EVO 4 LOL 4

Aelin is lynched

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Ah, possible. Probably during one of the ties

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This took a lot longer than I thought it would.
Also, I blame any and all mishaps on doing this on phone
Now then, gotta go
Imma return later to look at that stuff

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looks like Aelin was indeed trying to prevent tied wagons
that matches up with the analysis I wrote out last night

I’m gonna come back later, too, probably in a couple hours. xD gotta finish some irl stuff first.

never mind I’m blind, I missed something in context
ignore that statement

or maybe I didn’t miss anything actually
i’ll go back and look at it myself later when I’m not distracted instead of making useless posts here

Thats to EVO who said they are not very eager to talk with me and then starts convincing others that Im coasting, lmao.