Questions i might as well leave for everyone before I dip:

What reads do you have on Tilgarial, Eli, Gorta, and me?
Give examples of 3 posts that back your reads on each of them (it’s not that hard).

if you just give “tone” or “wallposts” as your only reason I will yeet you into oblivion. I have a reason for asking this, and I don’t think I’m asking much.

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I know.
I’m just being sassy since I know I’m town vanilla cop.
So I’m saying your role is negative utility which is what you’ve wanted to avoid being reality.

why is this thread so dead?

Tilgarial early game was town.
Eli early game was mafia.
Gorta early game was null
You early game was mixed

My reads now are
Unsure, lean maf?
Unsure, lean town?
Unsure, lean town?
Unsure, lean maf?

It’s great. All of this is tone. (I’m going to actually give 3 posts in a bit, I’m just fooling around for now because my head hurts and I feel like the game’s over despite it really not being

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I mean just make me an ascetic at this point

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Gorta (Null) - Cause they slanking and I can’t read much off of them if they only have 5 posts and 3 of those posts are just NAI.

Wind (Null) - I mean… nothing to read you good off of either. Judging from what I’ve heard from Umineko FM 2, you were capable of performing things like town tone and wallposting so I didn’t read highly of you

Tilga (Town) - Due to not appearing to be following an agenda and me liking their tone.

Eli (Townlean/Townnull?) - I mean… my read on this being town wasn’t the strongest at the start, but I didn’t think most of the stuff they did was suspicious or anything they couldn’t have done as town.

Oh wait…

I completely read that question wrong…

Ok nevermind I thought you said what reads did you have on us near the start of the game not what reads you have on us now.

Ok hold on.
As of now… my reads on look like this:

Gorta (Null) - There’s still nothing I can note from this slot at all… so weh. People say something about town meta but I don’t think it’s too hard for Gorta to fake his meta but weh.

Tilga (Town) - As mentioned before, not really following an agenda or doing much… I’d expect mafia to be doing more but this slot hasn’t been doing much of interest, which could technically come from scum as well’ hence why I was willing to accept them as deep wolf.

Eli (Town) - Interactions with Aelin clear him. I highly doubt Aelin pushes on Eli as W/W for really dumb reasons of “oh lol how dare you vote PKR right after I vote him”. Also generally not giving a crap doesn’t feel scummy at all.

Wind (Townlean) - I mean… I think Wind is ok here. I don’t think any of the stuff they’ve done so far isn’t far stretched from how I’d imagine Wolfwardaway… but at the same time, out of the rest of the others I don’t townread, they’re probably the closest to being town.

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Stealing memes is my passion


I have 100 posts, you should be able to get a read on me

I want to do more though

This thread is dead and I hope to revive it

I also feel dead and am trying to revive myself :joy_cat:

Do you think it’s possible nobody is pushing agenda because town is just jumping off a cliff again? Wolves don’t need to agenda push if they’re just never suspected.

Tilgarial early game was town.
Eli early game was mafia.
Gorta early game was null
You early game was mixed

My reads now are
Unsure, lean maf?
Unsure, lean town?
Unsure, lean town?
Unsure, lean maf?

Tilgarial Quotes

Early game posts like this is why I had my initial read. It’s nothing special but it was a gut read with some posts to support it.

This is a sort of typical rate here too but it’s the first post which upon reading, in retrospect, makes me feel a bit iffy. It’s innocent enough but I think that it could have come from someone “Knowing” the composition (Of mafia at least, not neut).

This sort of post today is what is making me lean mafia potentially because it’s just much more wishy washy. And with my thoughts of the fact that lol was left alive who townread me then killed off so I could be exe’d… and Intensify was left alive because of forever pushing on me… I did feel like someone doing this might be mafia? It could just be confused town ngl but my “lean” is maf.

Eli quotes

I feel like this was a bit self aware? Might have been one of my first things that really ticked me off. Someone asked me to gutread and my gutread was Eli too which I think was a bit before this, but that was just tonal stuff.

Correct statement but easily fakeable.
However, this was when Eli also first really interacted with Aelin.
After she had voted me, Eli soon followed

However, it did not feel like theatre until Aelin asked why Eli voted me and then Eli responded like this (Which caused Aelin to vote Eli)

It all kinda just felt superficial.

Also this could’ve been a slip

This is around when Eli started to feel more towny because it felt more genuine?

Based on my analysis, I wouldn’t have been surprised if town had low WiM so Eli “fit” this thought.

Their final post too feels “realistic” for town. But I know that all 3 of these are easily fakeable. And that even as mafia, Eli could feel frustrated because of how easy this game is.

Intensify Quotes

This is where Intensify had started scumreading me or at least voting me for pressure. Bare in mind I’ve thought Intensify might be VI so this is the start of things where I’m just thinking like Intensify doesn’t get it but it’s not scummy.

Also Insert the 200 or so posts where Intensify tries to encourage people to vote me or Intensify tries to vote me themselves

Intensify’s arguments on Aelin and me were weak. They thought we interacted more than we had (Post 4669-ish). They thought that my interactions seemed fake with her which I explained and their result was Post 4663 and 4636 which feels like town basically wanting to not admit to being wrong?

As I’ve said before, it’s all fakeable and I recognise it. But I don’t want to think mafia just hones in on me to try and pressure and break me like usually happens… just for 1 single mislynch. So I want to believe it’s just a really fucking incorrect townie here.

Wind, I need to be honest… I really don’t want to ISO you when you have 1k posts. Literally a fifth of the thread

Some sort of Wind Quote BS

This was the first post which gave me mixed vibes. Like you chose someone who wasn’t really towny to have as a “lead figure” which could easily come from W!You wanting someone else to derail thread or T!You wanting information without anything else behind it in full.

This was one of the first posts that actually made me sort of “vibe town” for a bit.
Since we were in agreement togehter.

This on the other hand was one post which made me think Wind could be mafia (in retrospect) because it felt like Wind was trying to make it so that they were saying “Me and PKR are not team” so that way if Wind was lynched and did flip W, that others rereading would suspect and falsely chainlynch me.

Today I think it’s because you’ve been really just continually flipping things back and forth which could come from a re-evaluating towny but it could be W!You trying to just confuse the heck out of town since some of us already have low WiM (I read Eli as being town. And I know I’ve not had a high WiM for like checks watch the entire game) and so you just need some votes to get away with it.

You’ve made cases where many many people can be mafia and have left it so openended that it feels you’re purposefully trying to leave options?

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FUCK I did Intensify instead of Gorta.


That’s ok, I wanted to see the thought process behind your reads and I can see it. I’d complain about the posts you pulled as examples for me, but yeah my ISO is long so never mind lol.

There was a specific reason I picked cdecora, actually, and maybe I shouldn’t have done so if Eevee had actually decided to follow them, but I got information on both cdecora and eevee from doing so. I needed someone who wasn’t a zero poster, but also someone who wasn’t a high poster, and cdecora fit the bill at that time. I wanted to avoid high posters because of the risk that I’d set us up to follow a powerwolf, and I wanted to avoid zero posters because there was absolutely nothing to read them off. Cdecora had posted three times by that point, so I figured they’d at least post somewhat each day. But their refusal to lead the town gave the information i wanted, because I read it (somewhat superficially,I’ll admit) as not scummy, and eevee not wanting to follow someone who didn’t want to be a leader was also slightly towny. Eevee had guaranteed he’d set us on a path to follow whomever I chose to lead, but he went back on it when cdecora refused.

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In response to this, I wouldn’t have any reason to flip my opinions as a wolf at this point. All I’d have to do is strike a bargain with Intensify and vote you out first, because I’m pretty sure you’re town now and I’m gonna stop rescinding that read. You’ve done more towny things than wolfy things for sure.

By the way, have you tried to read through Aelin’s interactions with the thought that mafia only have a night chat, and no day chat? It changes how some of the interactions read. I didn’t think to do it until Tilgarial said they’d assumed mafia only had a night chat, but it makes a big difference in that w/w interactions can’t come across as planned.

Wait, where does it say mafia only has a night chat? I’ve been operating off the thought that mafia have full communication lines open.