what I was hiding is that I redacted my townread on Gorta.
the reason for this is because I heavily townread him for the first post I quoted here (which I believe Marl and maybe someone else also did).
but that was under the assumption that mafia had a 24/7 chat, and if mafia only has a night chat, Gorta could very well have posted that as a wolf, too.
same reasoning on the second post I quoted here. I thought Gorta’s vote that tied the wagons was >rand town because I assumed someone in the scumchat would be able to tell him where to place his vote, but again, if there’s no day chat, my interpretation is also invalid here.

my PoE is Eli/Tilga/Gorta, and 2 out of 3 of them are wolves.
If I’m wrong today, I’ll just get yote tomorrow and town loses, but I’ve given my opinions and I’ll stand by them. I just don’t think anyone else’s plays in this game make sense as scum, and if I’ve let a wolf escape my PoE, then gg, you done fooled me. But I’m voting where I have the highest level of confidence first, and while it’s not 100%, it’s the strongest read I have.

/vote Tilgarial @Zone_Q11

And see, here’s the thing that surprised me the most.
You try going through logical paths and finding the right conclusions, but in the end you throw things in like my idea that there was a neutral, and me thinking that mafia only had a night chat as further evidence of my being scum?
If anybidy else from nuf were still alive, they’d be saying the same thing, lol. Because that actually are things to be expected on nuf from a game like this.

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Anyways, i hipe nobody noticed this, but ya’ll see that the only two typos - which, for somebody as clumsy as me, is an actual effort - are a missing R and an additional T in this post.
Done because i was suspecting something like that to come from wind next, so I needed a way to prove that that was an RT.

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Additionally, you’ve been setting up my lynch for a while now, i think.
Whenever there was something concerning me, you’d say it more like “there is something about tilga, but something something” instead of actually saying it. I asked the first time, and that was the convo about the neutral stuff.
The neutral stuff that I only mentioned twice in the game, before that

The only thing I’m surprised about is the fact that you didn’t try leveraging lol’s death against me; but maybe there’s a different plan for that. I’m fairly sure he was sussing me too; and that you went immediately after his death with"evetybody is townreading tilga" is very interesting

Additionally, putting gorta back into your PoE? Seriously? I don’t see him being mafia, and him faking it would be… hard, i think

Your PoE has narrowed down the last few days to be basically only the easy lynches, and me, that you have been seemingly trying to set up as a late-game lynch.
Arguments that “if you were wolf, you’d already be decided on who to lynch” are also a good way of avoiding sus after my inevitable townflip

And now that I’ve voice all that,

/vote Tilgarial @Zone_Q11

My flip today, your flip tomorrow

Btw, gorta can basically be taken out of the PoE, but I wouldn’t be so sure on eli. The way she’s been going around actually lynching him while keeping him in the PoE could be specifically manufactured, so don’t just ignore him

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Tilgarial WindwardAway, Tilgarial 2/4
PokemonKidRyan Intensify 1/4
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, EVO, EliThePsycho 4

EOD5 is at 2021-04-07T20:00:00Z.

/Vote Eli

I’d rather us not do a trade rn since I had townread Tilgarial until recently and I had scumread Wind until recently. Now my mind hurts and so I’m electing to vote outside of it.

Lynch me. And then when i flip town, realize this is the setup I am seeing right now.

The thing about

The thing about this, is it works the other way around too. My life for a mafia! This is a worthy trade.
As long as it 100% reveals a mafia, I am at peace with my death.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Tilgarial WindwardAway, Tilgarial 2/4
EliThePsycho PokemonKidRyan 1/4
PokemonKidRyan Intensify 1/4
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, EVO, EliThePsycho 4

EOD5 is at 2021-04-07T20:00:00Z.

Intensify’s going to lock on me if you die and flip town, Tilgarial.
So there’s no way mafia kills them or me…
And so there’s no chance of victory.

Unless Intensify is Mafia.

So you can see why, to me, I have no option to 50/50.
I need to hit a mafia.

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That’s… thinks

Half of Tilgarial's ISO

I clearly remember the first part of this post. When I first saw it, I was debating whether to take it at face value or whether it was going to be used as a support for Tilgarial to be considered town.
Looking back at it now, I can say that I did think of this multiple times during the game because every time there was suspicion on Tilga, it felt like it was overridden by someone saying Tilga was very towny, and then they didn’t get questioned much.
But why, then, if Tilga is so towny, are they not dead at this point in the game? The rest of you are probably wondering why I’m not dead, and I don’t have a good explanation for that, either tbh, but I’m perfectly aware that my reasoning on Tilga can also be used against me, and that’s a risk I’m willing to take here.

Here’s the first interaction I see between Tilga and Aelin, and it revolves around the PKR/Eevee thing on D1. Nothing really notable here.

at first glance this seemed like a towny post because it didn’t really reach a conclusion, but looking back on it, it doesn’t necessarily come from town. Taking it as NAI.

They later followed it up with this explanation of their takes, which looked pretty good to me since I also read the interaction as T/T.

Aelin made a joke post and Tilga responded, taking it too seriously by the looks of it.

This was where the weird interaction between Aelin and Tilga happened over Tilga misreading the post where Aelin asked lol how he was doing. It seems way too awkward to be planned, but if unintentional, could still be scum theater.

ftr I still think this was a genuine misunderstanding between Aelin and Tilgarial, but the question is whether Aelin was using this as an opportunity to distance from Tilgarial by making it look like an opportunistic vote on a villager.

when Tilga gave this readlist, it matched up with their PKR/Eevee read from earlier in the day, but Marl pointed something out about it.

Normally I’d want to say that town can be flipfloppy like this, but it’s not that hard for scum to imitate indecisiveness, especially not when the wagons contain no wolves. But I’m taking a hard look again at that “would be fine with wagoning/would not wagon” list. It’s still a hard if but I’m thinking Marl’s analysis here had merit.

It’s not so much the speculation of whether or not there’s a neutral in the game that raised red flags on Tilgarial for me; it’s specifically how this is explained. I’ve gone into plenty of games assuming there was a neutral when there was absolutely nothing that would lead me to think either way, and in some cases there was, but in some cases there wasn’t.

But more importantly is why Tilgarial had such a weak read on Marl being somewhat “off” and then said he might be a neutral, then flipflopped on him and decided to go with voting EVO instead. The paranoia explanation about my read on Marl was fine imo, but then there’s the part in this post where Tilga says that they used the search function and noticed there was talk about neutrals sometime before, and maybe that’s where they picked up the idea of a neutral. The weird part about that is… in response to min’s question of favorite alignment, Tilgarial also said their favorite alignment is neutral - so they were, in fact, still one of the first to mention it.

Tilga’s read on Gorta on D2 is weird. It’s hedgy, as EVO says, and doesn’t really seem to go either way. And yet Tilga lists Gorta as a (temporary) scumread, and repeats again that it could go either way.
This is one of the things that actually makes me wonder if Tilga/Gorta is a team.

I gotta get going on other things rn so I’m gonna cut this ISO short, but I got through 200 of Tilga’s posts (i.e. almost half) and left off around the point where Tilga was giving their interpretation of the PKR/lol interaction and the “scumslip” PKR thought he caught lol for, which has now obviously been proven false, but reasserts that PKR is probably just town if he came up with that.

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3 way wagon coming up? >_>

Also there’s…

Something questionable about the move Tilga just did…

Why the hell did they self vote with only 1 voter on their wagon.

I saw the typos and didn’t notice it was an RT, but I thought something was weird with the post (mainly just that you were chaining yourself with Eli).

but aren’t they? I thought most living players expressed a TR on you.

not hard to fake if he doesn’t post much, tbh.

if you’re town, this is a dumb thing to do and you should get your vote off yourself. I’m the only one voting you as of right now, and this is a weird move to make with absolutely no pressure. I know why Marl gave up and voted himself (which, yeah, he shouldn’t have), but you don’t have an excuse for it if you’re town.

at first I misread this and thought you meant I was going around yeeting Gorta (which is also true), but it makes sense now that I noticed you meant Eli lol. What gave me doubt on Eli is that you tried to bet your flip on his, like you’re chaining my flip with yours, which I’m not really sure what to do with. At this point I kind of want the game over, but I also don’t want to screw it up when we can still win by identifying wolves.

…yeah, this is what I’m not sold on. Mafia haven’t had to put much effort into this game, seeing as the only wolf we’ve yote was a rand and not even a wagon. There’s no reason we need to be chaining people to each other right now.

yep, I see your reasoning :sweat_smile: but if that’s true then my readlist is fucked.
I’m also fucked if we don’t yeet scum today because I know several of you are either SRing me or at the very least tinfoiling me, and I don’t really have any more of a defense than what I’ve given already.

exactly what I’m wondering