I’ve seen some weird roles used as town roles when they almost never are, so I’m not gonna base my guess on how common the setup is, especially since this one’s closed

now if someone were to claim town godfather, on the other hand… :thinking:


hard claim town janitor

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i can choose one night to clean the mafia’s kill so they don’t know what role died but i know


it explains pkr’s recent hostility since that’s another investigative which serves a very similar purpose

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Anyway, as usual here’s a D2 PKR claim.

Gandire Alea (Beautiful PFP)
Town Vanilla Cop.

Basically Neopolitan. But idk if Zone knew that was the name for a role which checks for vanilla v non vanilla at night

Also the fact I’m known as a “Vanilla Cop” made me think the cop claim has to be fake. It’s just so off.

@WindwardAway @Tilgarial

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@PokemonKidRyan you’re a cop? Why tf would you say that

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Because I feel that it makes your stuff more unlikely.
Also I only check for vanilla v non vanilla.
Doesn’t really do much :slight_smile:


Like the only way I catch someone is if they claim vanilla when they’re not which just isn’t very likely?

I’d always avoid doing it in games jic of a neopolitan


Look, EVO.
We have waited quite some time now.

Can you just out your check?

You…maybe I’ve been going about this the wrong way…

Pffft haha.
Yeah no.

Either we have a framer or you’re fake.
You flip today so we know which one it is.

No I don’t think you understand. I’ve been hinting since early in the day on what is going on here.

I’m not thunderdoming you and I sure as hell didn’t want you to out as a cop, that is what I am (was) here for.

Well in order to give us enough time to discuss I’ll out it now. My redcheck is cloned. Again this check was only to determine whether town or not town, so there is neutral equity.

/Vote clonedcheese @Zone_Q11

@clonedcheese if you are neutral please out now. Me and PKR are both Neuts-in anyway, and Intensify is practically openwolfing.


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EVO Intensify, EliThePsycho, PokemonKidRyan 3/7
cdecora GonZ 1/7
clonedcheese EVO 1/7
Intensify WindwardAway 1/7
PokemonKidRyan lol 1/7
WindwardAway clonedcheese 1/7
[No Exe] cdecora 1/7
[Not Voting] eevee, Aelin, an_gorta_pratai, Tilgarial 4

EOD2 is at 2021-03-29T19:50:00Z.

what did you claim EVO?
