[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

But otherwise ur first

What is ponderosa?

Right now squid has the puzzle done but I dont think she sees the clue, wazza and hippo both have the puzzle link

Dead jury chat

Oh, I see.
I forgot I got eliminated so quickly I donā€™t even get in the jury.

Yeah unfortunately

It doesnā€™t matter however. We have a LOYALIST in the final 7.

Who were loyalists again?

Jgoesgaming, Magnus and yours truly.

What would u do differently if we held another one of these?

Do you know how screwed those people would have been if it wasnā€™t for me being eliminated

I would repeat everything but put back failsafes.
And I would start a civil war quicker.

I would demand everyone declare their faith publically immediately rather than waiting for power.

Am I even allowed to talk in the thread if Iā€™m eliminated and not in the jury then?

Not reallyā€¦ even though others still do itā€¦ but

I have faith Jgoes will win.
He is an infiltrator for the Crown.

Jgoes is in jury

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Uh like 2 tribals ago.

Why is nobody mentioning my dictatorship run / civil war attempt?
Thatā€™s like the highlight of the whole game.