[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

I do actually plan to take Magnus to the end.
No promises to the others.

I’m assuming I can quote PMs into my confessional?

sure why not but only to here since Im not sure hw everything works

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How dare he not play into my manipulative hands, this is an outrage.

Who the hell in the right mind would not want the people voting them out of the game?
Oh my lord. My plan is falling apart. What am I to do?
I suppose we don’t need Wazza.

cant refund tears unfortunately

I swear to god if he claims I’m the biggest threat.

Thank jesus. Okay hens we’re staying afloat for now.

Think I have Wazza’s trust. He’ll hopefully vote Poisoned.

Oh my god if this all goes to plan I’m actually great at this game don’t @ me.

Am I not supposed to see the tags before I solve the puzzle?

Chronomancer classcard?
Eye of Corax is the pocket watch?

Hmm. Poisoned is actually an interesting individual. God damn it. Makes me not want to vote them off.
I’m going to have to though if I want to stand a chance at this thing.

Oh my god. Oh. My. God. Wtf am I doing.

It’s Seeker. Oh. My. Jesus. Christ.

The Seeker holds the eye of Corax.

Invoker + Seeker

But how does that help?

Oh my god there was an invoker in FoL Cult Clash right? And Alice was seeker?

Soulshade is Corax Invoker
Alice is Mithras Seeker.


Idol solve right here hens.

Dark Gods Crown?

none of the above

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I forgot if I asked this already but are we informed if the idol has been found already?