Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

I lean toward Cult more than BR. Beside Cult or Black Rose, we also have Neutral Killer. And I find it hard both Assassin and Neutral Killer didn’t cause any death. Therefore, since the Cult can’t kill Night One, I believe that that the Neutral Killer is blocked, while the Cult Leader convert a member of BD.

/vote nolynch

Line of text saying nothing


More than likely it’s a Reaper.

ngl 5 days feels like ages can we reduce it a teeny bit? :v:

Sorry i kinda forgot about this, anyways, slept peacefully.
Catching up…
Alright so for ease of access i’ll lay down the possibilities, (note that im still not completely familiar with roles so excuse me if i miss anything.)

  1. Both neutral and black rose killers hit immune.
  2. Both somehow got occupied.
  3. Inactives
  4. Cult and neutral killer gets occupied/hit immune
  5. Assassin foraged and neutral killer got occupied/hit immune
  6. A reaper exists
    Is that all?

How about 4 days 23 hours 59 minutes?

No way, too short. Make it 4 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d go for cult as a liklier option than BR at this point, but neither can be completely ruled out.

Also, @Hippolytus, longer days give more of an advantage to BD by allowing for more time to discuss and form reads. No point in nolynching this early, or even at all, I’d rather just let the time in the day run out naturally or wait until nobody has anything left to discuss befoe nolynching.

Yaas. I consider that a win :stuck_out_tongue:

Trust me people, a mislynch isn’t the end of the world. We don’t need to worry about mislynches greatly unless it goes into MyLo (Mislynch and lose) or LyLo (Lynch or lose).

We also have 5 days to work with, there’s no need to discuss our lynch already. We use this time to discuss and scum hunt.

What’s there to discuss?

not much really happened last night…like…nothing at all?

Both arguments for a NoLynch and a Lynch have their merit.

As for myself if a lynch can give us an informative flip, then so be it.

However, I need to point out that we could Lynch a role that will be tremendously useful late game.

Also, some players are just scummy simply by the way they play. I know this from experience.
So we can’t immediately assume someone is scummy simply by their plays (not that their plays aren’t important) but I have been in several Forum Mafia games where someone who is innocent was lynched because he had been unable to defend himself properly due to how pissed he was at being accused.

if you don’t have patience, you should replace out

I forgot about these fundamentals :confused:

rood :frowning:

i’m fine playing, thanks.

Wasn’t being rude. Just giving a suggestion.

yeah i know dont worry man :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank-you Queen Alfa, Now I understand why some of you may think of the Cult is around because of converting, How ever BR can convert others as well, so it doesn’t matter which has spawned they both can convert. Now for if a BR is around and as for an assassin is in play and why they didn’t kill, maybe they would like to try to gather more info and find out what class people are before starting to kill, to kill strategically. But this is assuming they Exist, I think some of you are jumping to conclusion’s to quickly and must re-evaluate to look into this a bit deeper. as I have said before and again is there a paladin in the BD? This is very important people so stay focused with the topic in hand.

Now as for Lynching or NoLynching, I can’t convince anyone of anything, but do as you please, just hear what I have to say. We need to gather more info before we really start lynching now, seems a bit soon, if you think we should Lynch then by all means go ahead but keep in mind you could very well Lynch someone very important to the BD and then we would be up the creak with-out a paddle so to speak. So choose your action’s wisely. That’s all, have a good day, I will take my leave.

I hardclaim not Paladin.

Sorry, didn’t check forum. I wasn’t aware it was day. I thought I had more time.

Let’s start with a simple question here. This should determine if it is Cult or not, was anyone poisoned?

the assasstion can use poison when he wants that test won’t work yet