Test Of Lies: Forum ToL Test Game 1[Blue Dragon, Alchemist and King win!]

I was never pissed. I was trying explain why Wild is a good policy lynch. That’s him trying to shoot accusations of what I’m like.

It just seems rather toxic, that’s all. Maybe it’s just the territory that comes with the game.

dude why did you delete your post

he’s still young, we have to get over it…

Since when does age matter?

he said you were toxic

I said it seemed rather toxic. I accused no one.

I wanted to be kind…

but if it’s not the age then what makes you act the way you do?

Being myself.

Deal with it or replace out. You’re not getting under my skin that easily.

this day got salty so fast. I dread to think what we will be like by D4 shudders.

I didn’t start this lmao

It’s okay. Me thinks Jordar and Wild are both BD, and just have a personality quarrel :joy:

That’s ridiculous

5 psyche locks appear

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Phoenix Wright reference? I love you <3


[20 charact]

then who did? LOL
I didnt post any screenshoots, didn’t vote anybody, didn’t spread lies about anybody, didn’t talk about other game

what is your problem?

Can we not?

[20 cha]

Honestly I’m inclined to let Raven live. Either the scum let him live, which would be a mistake knowing what we do now, or they kill him for us. Win-win if we let him survive the night.

(post withdrawn by Jordarrian, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Okay, now you’re the one being rude. orange was just explaining something about why you shouldn’t be lynched. I saw no rudeness in that post.