The Court Wizard as a reflection centered support Class role.
Passive Ability:
Stubborn Mind - You gain occupy and redirect Immunity after 2 effects (instead of the usual 3).
Day Ability:
Mirror Aura The next ability used on you gets reflected. Does not expire with day/night change. Can effect Day AND Night abilities. Non reflectable abilities (like King Point finger, Decide Fate) get negated. Ability not affected by occupation, redirect. 1 Use (Remember this ability only reflects once, but stays active (kinda as a passive) until used ). No Feedback when Ability succesfully reflected.
Night Abilities:
Magic Barrier: Stays the same
Reflect Barrier: Replaces Tornado. Works kinda like a supercharged Magic barrier. All abilities directed at the targeted Player get reflected. Gives feedback on succesfull Reflect. Will also reflect immune players. 2 uses