The First Game of 2018 (WePick)

Next night lets all pick 1 person and all of us investigate them. Even if they are framed/tailored that only means we need to invert everything when we figure everything out

Thatā€™s silly as we wonā€™t have any idea if that person has been framed or not but the mafia actually will. That means they will be able to more or less figure out all our roles but we canā€™t. We would never have any idea of knowing if they have been framed or not tbh.


We would find out by D3 given my method.

He just said if we all agree to investigate the same person, the mafia will just frame them.

You canā€™t edit or delete posts Dino.

Nuclear we never could as we will never know if mafia framed them or not. Ever.


What happens if noone votes at all btw? Does night still start just without a lynch?

What does the party cop get N0?


Well, only if you get it wrong three times in a row

Yeah donā€™t edit or delete posts

Next person to do that will probably be force-replaced

I could always roll some dice

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Ok sorry, didnā€™t know.

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not a big deal, but please un-delete that one

im confused as to the obsessive cop, what is parity in this scenario? if its town/maf, then its the same as the normal cop. if its type of cop, then its the same as the paranoid cop

N0 = Town
N1 = If same faction as N0 target Town. Otherwise Mafia
N2 = If same faction as N1 target Town. Otherwise Mafia

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I see 3 possibilities for my role. My check N1 was, like I said, On Noz and It brought him up as town. Meaning I can be either the Cop, Insane Cop, Naive Cop or the Obsessive cop.

If you legit checked me mafia n1 Burrito, you are either the insane cop / paranoid cop / mafia.

This super complicates things. It means Iā€™m either the insane cop / obsessed cop / the naive cop if youā€™re not mafia. Or youā€™re the insane cop/paranoid cop.

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Err, n0 not n1 yeah. Since tailor/framer wouldnā€™tve had any effect on a n0 check I think those I listed are the only possibilities.