The Monkey's Paw

Granted, but it’s a bunch of bots who get banned shortly after.

I wish I wasn’t cold.

Granted. You are now on fire.

I wish I was good at pentesting.

Granted. You now are payed £4.20 an hour to test pens. No wonder they have ink at the bottom of them missing…you’re so bad at writing.

I wish my toe didn’t hurt.

Granted. You get punched in the stomache, making you completely forget about your toe hurting.

I wish for a supernova.

Granted. The sun explodes.

I wish that this thread was deleted.

Granted. Eevee edits your message to delete “this thread”

I wish for a better genie

Granted. The new genie is on his first day so is better than the -0.37 ration we have on these forums with a solid 0.

I wish for my cold to go away

I would grant that, but I don’t think I can. I just started, you see, so I don’t really know my way around…

I wish for nothing


I wish for something

Granted. You are given a pepsi.

I wish for the old genie back.

Granted. You now have the old genie’s back. Not any of their other body parts, just their back.

I wish that I were better at telling when people are lying in real life.


Granted. You mother calls you and says “I love you, goodbye” at the end of the call.

I wish for another finger.

Granted. It’s on your face. Like a unicorn horn. It’s insanely disgusting.

I wish for a nap

Granted, you get mugged and end up getting knocked out.

I wish that I could resurrect people.

Granted, you can resurrect people but every time you do you forget their name. Every time they tell you you forget it, so you just start calling everyone Derrick.

I wish it wasn’t raining

Granted, it is now hailing.

I wish that I had photographic memory.

Granted. You can only remember memories in black and white.

I wish I had 6 toes.

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granted. they sure aren’t yours though.

I wish for thai food


Granted. You were arrested for being a cannibal.

I wish that I had a full packet of haribo.

not a problem since i’ll just use it to memorize my boring textbooks lmao

Granted. It’s full of enough nerve gas that kills you as soon as you open it.

I wish for insanely good luck in any form of lootbox in games.