The Monkey's Paw

like as in break my fingers? that’s still hurting them tho. doesn’t matter if there’s pain or not
you could’ve done it the other way around tho (immense pain but no damage)

Granted. He was your best friend but you two had a falling out and now loathe each other.

I wish that I had some fresh, hot, delicious pho right now.

Wish granted! You have the pho!! You start walking towards the table!! You trip!! Its all over the floor!! Oh no!!!

I wish I had a life-

Granted. You had a life.

I wish Hja was my best friend again.

Granted. Hja doesn’t feel anything towards you, but they are your best friend.

I wish for a normal bag of rice that I am unrestricted in using however I see fit.


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Granted. It’s the size of a barn.

I wish for a barn.

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Granted. It’s the size of a normal bag of rice. Also it’s about 5000 leagues under the sea.

I wish for a Grand Idea Turbo.


A league is a measure of distance, not depth

one cannot be 1 league below sea level.
one can travel 1 league across the sea’s surface

Couldn’t a measure of distance be used to measure vertical distance below the surface of the sea?


So you can’t travel one meter downward, but you can travel one meter across the surface. Got it.


No apparently it’s distance by land

thanks Google

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generally yes, but not in the case of leagues due to how they are measured


its 3 miles, specifically 3 nautical miles when at sea

which is about 3.452 normal miles, according to Wikipedia

granted. It was so fast that you couldn’t even comprehend it


Granted. However, it never starts.

I wish for a mechanical pencil that can’t break, run out of lead (or graphite if you wanna be like that), and can’t be lost.

wow how dare you post before me lol

wish not granted


Granted. It does not have any leadphite, so you couldn’t have ever run out of it.

I wish for a crown