The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

I did mention that in my previous statement, Marl:

So not possible more than 2 scum because probability?

That doesnā€™t negate a possibility at all. Personally Iā€™m leaning toward there were 2 scum in first mission.

Soulreading this village, never rescinding

And the reason I think Meteoro is the scum in that 3 man group is simple

He chose the group.
He chose to leave out his fellow hackers so he knew he could hack it safely.

The only other option is you or Maximus got lucky and he only chose you but none of your partners. That doesnā€™t add up, why chose specifically you and maximus?

No. Not probable (note, it is technically possible, just not probable) Because it was hacked.

Explain why you think this, because it seems highly illogical.

So whoā€™s the scum thatā€™s a lunatic

He memes, heā€™s not absolutely off the walls insane enough to hack a node 1 with one of his teammates in it, esp not if that teammate is a wildcard like bluestorm

ā€¦Am I really that much of a wildcard?

Unless you can show me some kind of signaling in-thread to show one of the two telling the other to hack or not hack, i refuse to believe it. Too risky

I havenā€™t played the Resistance or Midnight anywhere near as much as marl has and even I have never seen two wolves on the same mission only play a single fail.

It feels to me like Twilight is ignoring the probabilities to fit the fact they have two people who they think are wolves on the mission, and I really donā€™t feel like that comes from them when theyā€™re wolf here.


How does Wazza know this from the get-go?
This was before the node was hacked.
And to re-iterate - Wazza voted to ACCEPT this node after he said there was a scum in it

Iā€™ve seen it before but thereā€™s almost always some kind of signalling to make sure you donā€™t get two fails in a one-fail node. Signaling like this is incredibly risky if caught

I personally would put in Myself, Maxi, Jas and Marl, but thatā€™s because those are my highest townreads

Iā€™m aware though this will likely never pass because general consensus is that Jas/Marl is TvS

So Iā€™d likely replace Jas with maybe Celeste just to appease the masses since Jas is the more scumread out of the two (even though I donā€™t see it like that)

if by general consensus you mean exclusively icibalusā€™ read from earlier then yes

Wazza is a hacker discuss

What would you do if Max was scum and not me?

We only know there was at least 1 scum in it.

The couple I believe weā€™re scum in mission are BlueStorm / Meteoro. BlueStorm keeps mentioning Maximus as only his townread which looks like an attempt to pocket Max.

Moreover the interaction between Blue and Meteoro isnā€™t seem TvS at all.

Granted, it may seem quite far-fetched but currently literally nothing isnā€™t telling me I may be wrong.

Hello, he replaced out.

Why do you even ask this question?

Iā€™m not even considering it because itā€™s not happening that way.

And youā€™re in his slot. The read is still valid, but I think itā€™s wrong.


tell me how this level of godawful reasoning comes from a wolf
because i donā€™t see it