The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

wait wtf why did he replace out

In my opinion, itā€™ s maxi
Blue is atleast active

Something about a christmas tree setup

but I donā€™t see it in the game queue

ā€œoh no I havenā€™t designed a setup based around a christmas tree that probably dosenā€™t include a treestump!!!11!!11!ā€

Nice 180 Degree rotated read. KEK

If somebody cares to explain how is this interaction not fishy at all, be my guest.

180 degree what???

@Jazz Do you think Wazza / Tw1ā€™s slot is scum?

I can name it differently if you ask nicely.

The first post was a 50/50 call(I was tired and wasnā€™t thinking properly) and the second is after thinking about it.

@MaximusPrime get back here and give us:

your top 3 villagereads
your top scumread outside of node 1

Why did you call Blue as Spy despire the fact you were ā€œuncertain?ā€ Also how is activity AI?

In all fairness, Maxiā€™s biggest scumtell is his activity, or lack thereof.

But he has been posting, at least.

I believed he was more likely to be spy,now I believe maximus is spy

Why is that?

It was gut

Then what makes you?

@Twil1ight, @Insanity, @Margaret, and @Jazz have been chosen by @Twil1ight for the second mission!

Everyone, please accept or reject this team by messaging me your choice!

The deadline is 12/25/2018 at 18:00 GMT-5

I suspected wazza of just being incompetent, but now Iā€™m not so sure

Tbh I only do it for the reaction test.

@anon98616575 itā€™s 5 rejections needed for the instant spy win, right?