The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

Ain’t started

Hoping to have Worm edited and published sometime in my lifetime, so I can re-read it in glorious hardcover before jumping into Ward

Plus I may or may not have accidentally signed up to read 16 books over Christmas break without realizing it so uh

lolwut how

also give me the titles

Don’t remember them all but I can tomorrow

@orangeandblack5 you fell into a coma for 4 days and you just woke up

it’s sunday now

This is off-topic anyways

join the game

it’s sunday


I like that the title implies that the forums will have at least a thousand resistance games

I like how this post implies that there won’t be a thousand resistance games eventually

Implying that you won’t have resistance against furry :wink:

I can dream! :grimacing:

FuGG it

Mfw you’re in 2 role playing things and like 2 other mafia games, wheeee


I’ll have the role cards out today, game will start once everyone confirms they recieved a card.

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Role cards have been sent out! Type /confirm to confirm you received it. Please keep all roles secret.

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what do you mean by keeping roles secret? until you start the game we cant talk about them?


/confirm in here as well

Yes. Also, ask questions in DM, I’ll be happy to answer.

Last person to confirm has big gay
