The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

for the record, sorry for talking here, yes it was because christmas was coming, the end

Prolly bluestorm

Heā€™s trying too hard to accuse others and seem town

Itā€™s a possibility that meteoro is also scum but idk atm

Couldja answer my questions please?

I asked them specifically to you because itā€™s either you or Meteoro thatā€™s the hacker in the first node and Iā€™m 98% sure itā€™s Meteoro (I really gotta figure out a way to shorten that name) but Iā€™d like you to contribute more.

Tbh I think it you

Also I donā€™t have much info cause I suck at reads but weā€™ll got info after the second node

Also Iā€™m in the car going skiing so cya

Marl never tried to stop the first vote even though he said it always has a scum in it so heā€™s scum, boopy versus marl might be scum ersus scum.

Any team shouldnt have marl/meteor/blue/maximus/boopy/ insanity for bad list

that leaves 4 :slight_smile:

??? The heck do you mean?

Voting isnā€™t trying to stop it, he just did that for towncred

Youā€™re scum

He explained why he wasnā€™t going to vote for it. What more do you need besides him getting shouty at literally everyone?

Funny that, I say the same for you.

Also like I say, you omitting all 3 of the people in node/mission 1 is a BIG problem.


You posting these silly faces means nothing and adds no substance to your argument. Youā€™re gonna omit everyone from mission 1, you better have a damn good reason for it that isnā€™t ā€œthe mission failedā€ because it failed with ONE fail played, meaning itā€™s extremely likely there was only one hacker/spy/whatever in that node.

Someoneā€™s mad that their meme pick all scum strat didnā€™t work. Also, might i remind you the commander knows all the scum except for one?

Alright then.

Where did this commander signal for only one person to play fail?

If you canā€™t find this then your whole paper-thin argument falls apart.

P.S. You wonā€™t find it because there IS NO SIGNAL.

I dont know what youre talking about but the commander knows youā€™re scum

Are you some kind of eejit?

Youā€™re implying that A) Meteoro is exactly commander

B) Meteoro picked exactly the other 2 scum they knew to be part of the mission

And C) Meteoro managed to signal to the other 2 scum that only one of them should vote to fail the mission

In short, your argument (which I know to be false) hinges on an awful lot that youā€™re so far not able to show could be the case.

Not like it takes a genius to realize if you were picked by a fellow scum that the picker would be the one to vote fail. Also, meteor doesnt have to be commander to know all the scum lol nice try.

Lockscum, no questions.

Youā€™re answering my question against your ridiculous hypothetical with even more hypotheticals.

Anyone who disputes this, write your answers on a postcard and send them to anybody but me because thereā€™s no way Baz ainā€™t scum here.