The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

Yes, there has currently been 1 so far.


I’m not gonna vote yet but I could go either way rn

I need to read more into Marg and Insanity

The rejection counts reset every mission.

I am aware but I wanted to check

Hey Insanity. What are your thoughts on Marl and Boopydoop?

Marl - Mid scum.
Boopy - Solid town.

Whyever so?

Then can you share your piece of thought on them two?

Marl V Boopy feels entirely like V/W to me.

Marl is a solid village read, so Boopy is a wolf.

I’ve explained it several times and if you can’t be bothered to come up with an argument for your reads then at least read the thread.

What does V/W means :thinking:

it’s like TvS for people who don’t like insulting anybody who randed the wrong allignment
also I’m unaturally cranky and I don’t know why

Her reaction genuine seems like town to me though.

And Marl is just a mess .-.

So what you’re saying is that being even a tiny bit frustrated is equal to a clear?

I understand where you’re coming from but I of all people should know how easy it is to fake frustration as a wolf.

Anyway, playing rn is bad for my mental hygeine, so I’m signing off. For now.

Why though

How am I just a mess? What does this even mean?

Almost all of my points have been solid and I’m fairly confident in my reads. In what definition am I “a mess”?


I dont exactly agree with Insanity in the mission but its a decent team

I’m going to reject this until I can read more into twi