The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Once again, Lily starts walking toward the capital.

Travels are almost utterly uneventful this time, save for the cat purring every so often.

It seems to know who you actually are though, yet still content in any case.

It is now about dawn, and a caravan can be seen making its way to Adiart.

“Ok. I just realized you had a name. What is it.”
He looks at the book again. Context could not provide who he was talking to.

Marian walks towards the book and looks deep into it interested in its response.

You are not looking for an answer.

“What shall we do next? Shall we warn the citizens of the upcoming threat?”

That is for you to decide.

“Ok ok ok. What is your name, near-omniscient?”

I have no name.

“Ok ok ok. What is the one of the girl?”

It is obvious to me that you want to turn this conversation into a matter of morality and humanity.

Both things by your nature you lack.

She turns her head towards Nicholas.
She turns her head towards the book.
“Morality and humanity? What have you two been doing while I was away?”

Lily waves at the caravan.

“Hey! Mind giving us a ride?”

The horse driver looks at you with a bit of confusion.

“Oh, I see. It’ll be 3 silver, but I can get you in.”

“How about 2? Please?”

“eh, fine. But if I get into any trouble I’m kicking you out.”

“I am not a fucking preacher. Don’t worry about that. Who had woken her up?”


“No problem, we’ll be good!”

Lily hands the man 2 silver and then hops on the back of the caravan.

Noticing her get on the back, he looks visibly nervous.

“Nah. Get on the inside. That way the guards won’t know you exist. Just hide in the back amongst the luggage.”