The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

A noble-looking man with a smirk on his face bumps into Draco, ‘completely innocuously’.

Looking towards the figure with a slight scowl on his face he spoke “Watch where you’re going… The castle isn’t anywhere near here, what are you doing in this town?”

The noble simply shrugs. “I apologize. It just so happened that I lost a very precious trinket to me. I was trying to find some help in order to get it.”

He then looks directly at Draco, then down to the ground. “I very very much need it.”

Groaning he rolled his eyes “Explain… What was lost and where? I can probably find it but I don’t need anyone around me when I do. I have my own team”

The noble looks befuddled, then grins. “You? Would help me?”

Laughing he just pointed to the port “I’m a bit busy… But I know someone who will help you down there. Head there and just look for a large boat, can’t miss it. I’d love to help but I’ve got to find the rest of the crew.” he said, as he made an excuse to leave. He didn’t like royals, he certainly wouldn’t help one, they’re far too uppity and needed to be taken down many pegs first

“Oh, that’s disappointing.” He remarked. “That’s…extremely disappointing.”

He was on his way in the directed area in a moment’s notice.

Walking away quickly towards the forest he let out a sigh of relief “About time they got what they deserved… They don’t even belong here, that castle’s their home, just get a damn guard or servant to search for lost property”

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Draco enters the forest. There is a visible plume of smoke not too far in the distance, and the forest floor has clearly been disturbed. People have been running all over the place for sure, but why?

With one loud, sharp whistle he summoned his main companion to his side, a cute wolf… Well, cute to him, most others would probably think it’s a vicious creature… Damn stereotypes and biases! Moving through the forest with his companion he sought to check what had happened… If anyone had harmed the local area they’d be finding a lot more than a quiet gentle man, they’d probably find death “We’re safe together… It’s lucky that we had so much training together buddy”

A scream is heard in the distance from the direction where the plume of smoke could have been seen earlier. Something is strange about these screams. They don’t exactly sound of the bloodcurdling variety but instead that of emanating great fear.

The wolf suddenly barks in that direction as well.

Speeding up slightly, he seemed to break in composure for a second, drawing his sword to his side so that he could gently feel his companion was next to him as he moved on with not too much panic. He wasn’t much of a fighter unless it was a direct danger but he knew how to keep his companion near him and let his companion know he was safe “There can’t be much further… Let’s investigate. This fog may be a problem though”

The old man wakes up.
What…what was that?
He checks his surroundings, it is a peaceful evening, but he is too dazed to make anything really out.
A bad dream?
The old man turns to put his head in his pillow, but is greeted by the coldness of water. He screams, but it is drowned out but the liquid entering his body. He flails around in confusion, Slowly sinking to the bottom, but it is too shallow for him to drown. The old man scrambles to his feet, coughing and spitting out the water that entered his system.
What… happened? He tried to remember what happened.
Just a few hours ago he, was talking to Captain Buk, before… before that person came in… next thing he knew, he was flying out of the window, and everything faded to black.

“Hello? Anyone here?” He called out. Not a response. He decided to head to land to look for civilisation.

“Where is he?!” A kinght was currently screaming at Lars, King Leonard’s son.
“I, I don’t know, sir!” He replied.
“You cretin! You can’t just allow him to leave like that!”
“I’m sorr-”
“Shut up.” The knight plunged his sword to the ground in anger.
“You’re not fit to be a prince, just like your “father”. Why we have to find him is beyond me. Now you stay here an d let the big boys handle this.”
“Y-yes sir.” Lars remained motionless as the knight exited the room.

Draco investigates the plume, eventually happening on a burning cottage. Without being seen, you can instantly detect 5 men in red robes off to the side, all surrounding one man who is preaching about…something.

Off to the side you see a girl unnaturally taking steps toward the men. Her disposition is wracked with fear. Is she being controlled?

Running to the girl at full speed, he tried to pull he away from the men, having his wolf stay near him and not attack yet. It’s time to save someone, something he’d sure be awarded handsomely for… Spotting coins in the form of a lady he felt fine and wasn’t too worried. All he tried to overhear was the preaching. He’d had encounters with the old cult that he’d defeated and heard of the unseen so he felt he could take anything on “Halt fiends. This behaviour is not condoned by the blue dragon’s code of conduct! Now, show your faces and identification… I shall report you to the prince otherwise.” before quietly speaking “Even if I don’t like him…”

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Henry: Chants in Latin

Sit tibi unus de Mithrae Dei facti sunt sanguine et iungere cum fratribus.
Sit tibi unus de Mithrae Dei facti sunt sanguine et iungere cum fratribus.
Sit tibi unus de Mithrae Dei facti sunt sanguine et iungere cum fratribus.
Sit tibi unus de Mithrae Dei facti sunt sanguine et iungere cum fratribus.

(May your blood become one with Mithras and join with your brethren.
May your blood become one with Mithras and join with your brethren.
May your blood become one with Mithras and join with your brethren.
May your blood become one with Mithras and join with your brethren.)


The noble that Draco had seen before was inconspicuously within his immediate vicinity. He attempts to put a hand on his shoulder.

“Why, hello there.” he states with little intrigue in the situation, as if he expected it to happen.

Not turning his head, he continued to concentrate on the lady clearly trying to help with all his strength “Don’t fall for it… They don’t want to help you, they never do. They are merely demons in disguise praising this false god… Damned Mithras doesn’t exist” Speaking to the ‘noble’ without looking “Get out of my way… You shouldn’t even be here, I saw you leave… How is this possible?” He didn’t stop the hand from coming down though

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“-so I said to the guy next to the lass, you there, need a good kick in the ass!”

Roar of laughter echoes in the busy hall of Stag Crown Tavern. Andar is among those who laughs, listening to the stories of a passionate storyteller. The young man looks green behind his ear, but his stories are fresh and new to the ears. Andar tosses him a silver, causing the man to grin widely and jumps into another story. Feeling like taking a fresh air, Andar drains the content of his mug (his 12th for the evening) and leaves the tavern, grinning like a fool.

“Gather some bottles with some mugs, give the maids some kisses give the maids some hugs-”

He sings to himself as he strolls slowly down the street. A drunk man all alone is an easy target for mugging, but Andar doesn’t show any sign of caution. He is walking down his street, after all.

“Ah, I want a bath, I want a bath.”

The town square is empty except for two drunken men lying on the benches. One of them is Andar, rambling on some nonsense.

“I stiiink. Talking to demon makes me stink like hell, right? Good thing I’m not going to the church tomorrow,” says Andar again, chuckling.

“Let’s bath, bath to get rid of the demon stink,”

saying so, Andar stands up and walks, still drunk, to the edge of the town.

A bath is not as simple as it sounds. Unless one is at a sufficiently luxurious inn or resides in a mansion, one could only head to the river for a bath. Stag Crown Inn, of course, offers the service of bath and possesses a large tub to accommodate it. In his drunken stupor, however, Andar does not give the tub a thought.

Running water should clear the demon scent, right?

The thought, that single thought, is what drives Andar into walking to the forest, unprepared, after dark.

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“Saying that something that clearly exists doesn’t exist is a completely stupid endeavor. You should just leave, take your wolf with you. This lady will be murdered and or you will die trying to save them.”

“Can’t quite understand why someone like you would throw your life away like this.” His voice begins to become more…unreal. Something sterile and without tone “Just leave. There is no better way to escape than leaving now.”

In reality the hand on Draco’s shoulder was corporeal? Was he really all there?