The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Richard frowns and grips his umbrella handle, but before he can say anything, the carriage stops and the driver calls out, “We’re here.”

“I suppose this is your stop then?”

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“Indeed it is, thanks for the help.”
His body becomes relaxed as he carefully gets off the carriage while carrying the shovel and flier in his hands. He doesn’t take a glance at Richard as he walks deeper into the forest.

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Murmuring to the driver “Hide the carriage somewhere nearby, and rendezvous here every hour.”

Richard then follows Cedar at a distance, being as covert as he can(a shame he isn’t an observer). He takes his umbrella with him, but doesn’t open it.

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Cedar sighs loudly dropping the flier onto the wet grass
“Who knew someone was going after my head the moment I step onto land? Now let’s see what’s held beneath this earth.”
He takes his shovel and digs it down into the dirt while humming a tune unfamiliar to many.

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Cedar continues digging to find any artifacts that could be helpful without paying attention to his surroundings. Nothing can go wrong, right?

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Faris sighs, walking into the forest. She was on an errand to gather some herbs for the village. After all these years, her village managed to survive with ample supplies.

She starts picking some grass up, looking at them carefully, like an old hermit with experiences under their belt. Rain does not seem to deter her, it’s just water pouring onto the Earth after all.

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(FARIS?!? FROM DANGANRONPA??? @CheesyKnives)

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Zynx rings the bell to call her butler

“Do you see that man out there near the tree?”

The Butler nods

“What do you think he is doing in the forest? I don’t like him along with his dirty jacket”.

(This is about Addison btw)

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A few hours into digging and Cedar can’t tell the difference between the pouring rain and his own sweat. His arms are getting weaker and his legs feel like they’re going to collapse.
“Damn it… There must be something around here! I can’t go back to the ship with empty hands… What would Captain think?”

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Richard will remember that.


She packs the herbs into little packets and looks up at the downcast skies, which were making no sign of calming down.
Though she had realised she wasn’t in the forest alone. A carriage, and an outlander, not far from each other, but seemingly unknowing of each other.
She approaches the man first, recognising the origin of the carriage to be of Adiart’s.

“Ya there! Whatcha doin? Were you wanting to find something?” She shouts over the sound of the pouring rain.

(Maxi pls comment in Discord >_> instead of here)

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A suspicious looking man draped in a cloak dashes past Cedar in a hurry, dropping…something their haste. It appears to be a package of unknown origin.

One could only catch a slight glimpse of their person before they were out of view. They hobbled with a limp, with blood spurting from their leg.

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Cedar grabs the package and looks closely at it surprised by what had just happened.
“W-What the hell is this? I wonder if this will be useful.”
He opens the box to see what’s inside.

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The package contains several scrolls, which are now starting to get soaked due to the rain.

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He quickly closes the box before the scrolls could get even more soaked.
“Maybe it’s best to take a closer look on the ship.”
Cedar finally notices a figure nearby and starts walking toward it thinking that it will lead the way back to town.

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Though as you inspect the box, Faris makes her way closer to Cedar.
Normally she would go after the cloaked man, who was extremely suspicious… But she hadn’t had time for that.

What was important, was the person by the box. Clearly not a citizen from Adiart, from her jobs in the docks. And is walking towards the carriage.
She sneaks and ducks beneath the trees, to see what they’re doing. Though she makes noise, the downpour covers the sounds of her steps.
(She is unarmed and just wearing a robe.)

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“Is someone there? Don’t tell me ya had been following me. Do ya at least know how to get back to Town?”
He walks closer to Faris looking extremely confused.

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To be able to notice me… This outlander ain’t bad.

She reveals herself.
“I could, but nothing’s free in this world. Why was an outlander like you here? None of the outlanders go in here without a guide.”

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“I was just looking to give something to the Captain, I’m a collector of treasures that can be used to make the world a better place. Of course, the crew refers to me as a Plunder Organizer. Not a fitting name, I know, but it has a nice ring to it.”
Cedar becomes a little more relaxed but he remains cautioned about the unknown woman.

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Zynx’s dad sends a servant to notify Zynx about Sir Richard’s call for her, so Zynx tells her butler to prepare for journey in the rain and set off

Soon enough Zynx and her butler reach the place Sir Richard called them to and meet him secretly

“You called for me, Sir Richard?”

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