The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Andar pockets the coin. For a while, he just sits under the tree, staring blankly at the darkness. He loses the mood for drinking. The merriness in the village doesn’t interest him anymore.

“Let’s start looking for a spring,” he finally says.

Continuing to his initial purpose, Andar goes to look for a spring.

“It’s not in my jurisdiction to do that. I apologize, but you’ll have to ask my superior.”

“Where can I find this superior of yours?”

“Hell if I know. Never even seen the man in my life.”

“Just let him go. You’ll let an innocent man go and maybe even rewarded for it.”

“No can do.”


@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 7

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Andar stumbles upon a small body of water, almost like a spring but upon closer inspection it seems to be a bit on the dirty side.

"Okay, I’ll be going now but I will not give uo on this innocent man.’’

The guard shrugs.

“Ugh. No can do for this one. Better look for another.”

He goes to look for another. @discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 10

Andar finds a spring, with clean water as well! The stench of a recently deceased animal could be smelled before arriving to here.

“Shouldn’t have tried to find one in the dark like this,” he grumbles, a bit out of breath.

He has been wandering the forest for a while. Feeling exhaustion is expected. Dejected, Andar decides to return to Adiart instead, walking through the forest.

When traveling to Adiart, you happened upon a bear blinded by tar near the end, appearing to advance upon a tree. Looking up at it you could see that a girl was up sitting in one of the branches on the left side.

(Hint hint it’s Maxi’s character)

Lillian waves at the man approaching her. She seems bored out of her mind.

“Hey there, stranger! You might want to stay away from here, there’s an angry bear that might maul you. Please do send help though.”



Seeing the bear, Andar takes a few steps back. He doesn’t bring anything with him except for a pouch of money and a short sword. Not good equipments if you’re planning to hunt any bear.

He doesn’t react to the girl’s wave and tries to sneak away.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 3