The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“One more step in his direction and I’ll have your head for attempted assassination. My last mate died when one of your types were let too close.”

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“Section 6c, the agreement upon acts of piracy. You know what those codes state, don’t you?”

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Richard lowers his rapier.

“Very well, but let it be known that he was the one to point a weapon at me first.”

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“C-Captain, what d-do ya mean? I-I was just trying to h-help like always…”
He tries to get up, but exhaustion rests within his body preventing him from fulfilling his wish.
“I-I d-don’t even have a w-weapon on me!”

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Andar instead falls toward Zynx. The two of them fall to the dock, leaving the box laying alone.

“Ah, I fail.”

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The captain steps down onto the dock, walking toward the First Mate with the crossbow still pointed in Richard’s general direction.

“Very well. Now scurry along and nobody has to see what happens when I’ve been betrayed.”

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“Butler! Get the box instead”

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“I refuse to tolerate any piracy here, as it would set a bad precedent, and the treaty does not protect him against this act of thievery. However, I will not leverage charges against you and will leave peacefully as long as he returns the box.”

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"Tsk. I fail. "

Andar stands up and tries to leave, but realises that from his position, he will have to pass the group to do so. Quite an awkward position, when he just tries to steal something.

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As everyone else isn’t paying attention to him, Cedar starts to slowly drag himself towards the plank trying to hold back his screams of pain.

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The butler grabs the box and laughs at this incident

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The First Mate walks over to Cedar, lending him a hand of support to get up off the ground.

“You really did yourself in, haven’t ya? Once you heal up you’re swabbing the deck.”

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“Butler, return to the carriage at once!”

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Cedar grabs the First Mate’s hand and uses it to get himself back up.
“Y-Yes, First Mate…”

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“If no one mind me I’ll just leave before I intrude something…” he mutters as he tries to excuse himself from the scene.

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Richard takes a look at Andar, memorizing his face before he leaves.

(he doesn’t stop him though, he has beter things to do)

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“Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do” Black Stache yells, pointing the crossbow directly at the butler.

“I need proof that this box indeed belongs to Richard or any of your other compatriots.”

Zynx walkes to Richard and whispers

“We should leave now”

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“I need proof in order to determine that this crime was indeed one of piracy, given that you have made claim to the parcel. I’ve no reason to believe your claims.”

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As no one tried to stop him, Andar dashes away from the dock into an alleyway, heading to a cluster of buildings.

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