The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

They would not.

Demons are an agent of the will of Mithras, despite their tendency to stray from that in many cases.

Marian continues to lean against the wall while deep in thought. Has it really been five minutes yet? Why hasn’t Nicholas come out of the room? Is that why things are taking so long? Marian knocks on the cellar door hoping that someone will hear her.
“Nicholas? What are you still doing in there? You need to get out so the spirit can be freed!”


After returning from the backroom, he shows you several light armors of varying quality.

Unless there is something so convenient like the prince passing through, the only way for Andar to come in is through showing his seal to the castle guard in the entrance…

"This will be troublesome, " he grumbles to himself as he approaches the gate.

The guards near the entrance, of course, will notice him.

Zynx starts looking through them

“I am doing the ritual. Wait.” He replies to the girl.
“How would a stray agent still be an agent, though?”

One stands out to you as made of extremely high quality material.

“What material might this one be made out of?”

I do not make the rules.

They are agents because they steal souls, just like reapers do.

They are given some of their power by Mithras as well.

“Oh, this material is the finest leather in the kingdom!”

“It’s from the underbelly of drakes. Their hide makes an impenetrable defense while also being incredibly light.”

“Tell me more on soul stealing” He went to look for the ceremonial knife which, for his sadness as trying to find excuses to keep it longer, was at the side of the table.

A guard, of course, noticed him.

“State your purpose and title.” He deadpans.

Demons make unfair contracts with humans in order to gain their souls as a part of them.

Of course, demons are not discreet about the soul part. It is all about the wording.

The souls grant the demon greater strength.

“Oh, this seems quite good.”

Zynx yells for her butler and secretly talks to him once he gets to her and start acting like they are looking for something else as well

“You have probably hunted a lot of rich people before right? Do you think that the piece he just talked about is worth it?”

(is this to the blacksmith)

(yells for her butler and secretly talks to the butler once he gets to her)

I want to live among the mankind. Not as a demon, but as a man. He put the book in the box with the knife over it, intended for hiding.
“Hey girl, come here” He said, sustaining himself over the ritual table.

In any case, I am only here to answer questions, and give advice

(wait what)

Marian opens the door and slowly walks in observing the room for any changes.
“Where’s the spirit, Nick?”

(huh? wait what’s the context? you got like 3 characters and now i’m confused)