The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

In the east forest of Adiart.

“Your family… Are you close with them? I’m not that close to my family. Not anymore.”

She chuckles slightly.

“A-Adiart?! But that’s really far away!! How long have we been walking for?!”

“They gave me a purpose, and a name.”

“So many wonderful things you have here. You know, my favorite song that my father once had played before is London… Bridge is falling down I think. Would you happen to have any music boxes with that song here?”

An hour, five minutes, and three seconds.

“And what are they?”

“And how much longer do we have left to go?!”

“My lord…I bid not speak his name without his permission.”

At your current pace, it will take twenty three hours to get there.

“And your purpose is to, what, kidnap people and bring them to your home? Doesn’t seem very noble at all.”

She almost drops the book as she’s overcome by an overwhelming amount of shock.
“Twenty three hours?! Our legs will turn into water by then!”

“Oh, I don’t think soooo” He shrugs with an equally explosive vigor.

He slaps himself violently.

“I got just the thing!” He points in the air, signalling a complete change in perspective. He’s realized the truth of what you were looking for, and remembers that in the cellar he has at least twelve copies of it.

That includes stopping.

“You confuse me. So do you or do you not have it?”

“I bring them here so that they may appreciate, becoming something greater than themselves.”

Marian tries not to scream in anguish.
“Isn’t there some form of transportation we can use to make the trip go by faster?!”

“OF COURSE I DO!” saying the line with a manic vigor.

He’s either extremely excited or he wants someone’s head chopped off. You hope it’s the former.

There was.



(oh boy this guy sounds like an assassin but probably isn’t one)

“Heh, you sound like a cult. Wait, you’re not the cult… right?”