The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

The sensation is now gone. Your hand feels a bit cold, and the woman has jolted a bit in confusion.

Touching nearby objects seems utterly ineffective.

ā€œC-Can you take your shortcut somewhere else?! Weā€™re about to sail through unsafe weather conditions!ā€

Noticing that she had an effect on her, she jabs her hands into her head, hoping that it will have a more pronounced effect.

ā€œWell, at least I can do something.ā€

Lily is not that surprised, oddly enough. Perhaps she has experience with peculiar situations before?

*nah. id be willing to help. just you know. if you dont want me to help. just put more backbone into it.

Jabbing your hands into her head yields almost exactly the same result as before, when you attempted to shove her.

The same sensation from before also returns. Is the warmth coming from the light? It is only felt in the hand area.

Lily quickly thrusts her fingers in and out of the woman

Lily keeps doing it repeatedly.

(donā€™t tell marl)

Cedar whispers under his breath.
ā€œAnd I just had a conversation on how I canā€™t take care of everyone.ā€
Suddenly, Cedar yells in a more powerful tone.
ā€œRaise the anchor! Set sail and get ready for a possibly bumpy ride!ā€

Whenever your hands escaped from her, she jolted, seemingly regaining control of herself. As they entered, your actions guided hers.

What was going on?

The crew listens to your words, acting in accordance with what you said.

The storm begins to pick up in pace, sending the ship out of the harbor with a nasty rip tide. You were definitely in for a fun time.

Waves batter the ship, tilting it ever so slightly more each time.

Lily confidently walks into her body, smirking slightly. Oh she knew exactly what was going on.

(i roll to bluff /s)

Your whole world goes dark.

ā€œParn?! How do we keep the ship from succumbing to the roaring waves of Neptune?!ā€

ā€œWhy donā€™t you leverage some weight on the side thatā€™s beginning to tip!ā€

Parn says this before falling over hitting his head on the side.

ā€œAlright! Get some cargo to the right! Be prepared to move to the left if weā€™re starting to tip in the opposite direction! That also goes for you, creppy skeleton thing!ā€


Beginning to stir as you had just a while ago, you can instantly feelā€¦unnatural. Something isnā€™t right. You donā€™t feel like you should.

Opening your eyes, you can immediately see the same flooring of the cottage you were once in. You feel eerily that the events of what happened before were completely true.

On the palm of your hand you can see a symbol not belonging to any faction youā€™ve heard of. There are three sets of indigo eyes all connected by a central mark from which all of them are the same distance. From those eyes branch out a line.

Your sight is still limited. Whatever you did earlier wasā€¦strange.

(is ā€˜jillā€™ anywhere i can see)

( @Pug )

The crew rallies to the left starboard, trying to balance the shipā€™s tipping with their weight. They need more weight, as theirs alone isnā€™t helping.


(look around?)

Lily gets up and looks around, stretching out her stiff joints.

She sees the same familiar room she had been accustomed to seeing over this mess of a day. The tea she had drank earlier, the window from which she had been seen, the body on the floā€“

She sees her own body on the floor next to her.

Looking to her own person, she can now see that she is wearing the same clothes as the woman from before.