Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!


/vote Universal @Marshal

I’m 90% sure I’ve seen this entrance in the hydra game

sorry uni :frowning:

Yes I was planning to take my vote off you if you were able to post yourself out of POE.
Now you’re here, I’d like to hear from you why I shouldn’t vote you.

Uni, who would you most want to vote out today? I’d like to hear your PoE or at least whom you think is a better option. I know you expressed an SR on me, but is there anyone else?

reeee I don’t want to leave with my vote on uni

Well the entire reason for people’s votes onto me is due to my inactivity, which I do believe is valid since I haven’t been able to play much. However, this is very much concerning considering there are over 2.3k posts and no one has a solid lead other than inactivity. This makes me believe that wolves are powerposting or heavily influencing thread

See Uni if you’re town here, then that’s well I’ll leave it for post game.
I’d rather not cause rancor in this game given how bad D1 is.

Any high-poster that has made reads on other players but can only vote out one person due to their inactivity.

This whole game is just a treefest in general lmao

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fair enough
I just hate that half the players have treed and the other half have been pointing fingers at each other
there’s just something off about it

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Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
EVO Whysper 1/6
Universal Crichard, Appelsiini, clonedcheese 3/6

reeeee let me leave people

why are people against voting min again


No CRich I understand why people would vote me out due to inactivity, it is actually my lack of thread presence and no one going after me that led me to being caught as mafia towards the end of the game in one of my mafia games. However, its moreso concerning how the only real push towards me is only due to inactivity while it seems other leads aren’t being looked upon anymore.

Also what is rancor?

oh discourse is shitting on me again

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Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
EVO Whysper 1/6
Universal Crichard, Appelsiini 2/6

I’m fine with either Uni or AT at this point

Why AT?

And why is Evo being voted?

I would question your decision to sign up, though I can see that your wim could easily have sunk like a stone thanks to D1 shenanigans.
That was out of our control, so as you’re on the spot. If you’re town I’d like to have reasons to take my vote off you.

Give me a moment.

Rancor = bitterness or resentfullness, especially if long standing.