Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Okay, and so you meant ATNo instead of CRich. I thought so, but was still confused about the pelt thing. But I see what you are saying now.


Yeah lol.
So, I worded it correctly first time.
Then I got confused and misworded it.

Feels about right, fml

If they actually still had a suicide convert on that night, I really donā€™t think theyā€™d save it. Even if Appel did the suicide convert and we instantly questioned if it was a jump, there still wouldnā€™t have been a guarantee that weā€™d figure out where. And we might not look hard because we wouldnā€™t even be sure it was a suicide convert and not just a normal kill. And seeing how Appel didnā€™t think through on TRing ATNo instead of SRing him, I donā€™t think the wolves had some master plan to save the suicide convert and whatever else along the way.

I still suspect that Popcorn was a jump and then Sulit was a suicide convert. Popcorn was the CW D1 and was in danger of being up for vote D2, so if they were scum, then a jump is very likely. So really depends on if we feel Popcorn was scum. Also, I kind of feel that the wolves wouldnā€™t have been given 2 suicide converts.

Then when things were going to switch over for the reveal, the wolves had a chance to suicide convert on N2. Appel was fairly TRā€™d as Pig earlier, and sheā€™s someone I could see being a convert candidate in hopes that people would just assume sheā€™s town. Sulit, if scum, probably doesnā€™t do well long-term and maybe felt like taking the suicide convert right away with all the confusion.

I think Popcorn was scum who was a jump.
But as for Sulit as a sacrifice, convert. Iā€™m less sure.

I can easily see scum doing it to make us think they have nothing left. Whereas they could be holding back something as a trump card.

Appel was the first full on wolf death, we have 2 more. I donā€™t think theyā€™d be thinking itā€™s ā€œgame overā€ if Appel doesnā€™t jump even if they have 1 left.

ATNo, in that post you were preparing and finished up at EoD D3, what did you mean by the edit part?

Yeah, I guess I could see either way on the suicide convert, too. But for Appel, again it just didnā€™t seem like she was prepared to take on the day. I would think a wolf team that saves the suicide convert would also be one to think things through more and prepare Appel.

Thatā€™s definitely true, hence Iā€™m still taking what he says with a grain of salt as itā€™s a good way as either alignment to prevent himself from being wagoned, or at least to form a counterwagon.

That vote weirded me out a little. It was very casually placed, and Iā€™m not sure of EVOā€™s reasons behind it. I wasnā€™t really taking it too seriously, however, but Iā€™d like to hear an explanation from EVO on it if he chooses to keep his vote there.

There is a chance, yes. If they planned for Cloned to suicide and convert someone else while ATN was still under fire for his votes, Cloned would be less suspect as having been OG scum in that case, and all ATN would have to do is shift the focus onto someone else. If ATN had suicided to convert, it would look much more obvious, and people would start tearing down the townreads to hunt for converts instead, while Cloned pulling off the conversion would go more under the radar and allow for ATN to defend himself by saying if he were a wolf, he wouldā€™ve gotten sacrificed instead. So it does make sense what Gorta was saying.

Do you think it means the wolves are disorganized or not following the thread very closely? Or just that they donā€™t have any conversions left?

Thatā€™s true. It strikes me as kind of a risky move from them, though, but weā€™re getting close to the end of the game, and since activity levels have been generally low, scum might as well stay in the background and observe instead of jumping into the thread all the time.

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Okay, thanks for being thorough in expressing your thoughts on this. Iā€™ll at least consider it still.

I think it means that they arenā€™t thinking things through much. They should have seen that Appel needed to TR ATNo if she wanted to pass herself off as town. So they might not be talking much. Maybe also not following the thread so well. I donā€™t think it necessarily says anything about whether they had a conversion or not, though.

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This does also make me tend to think that they are low activity.

And Iā€™m starting to move more and more towards thinking ATNo might just be town. I think Lock was generally considered town. I doubt the suicide convert was done to this slot.

Then ATNoā€™s story about why he voted for CRich is plausible. I was reading through his ISO and could see how it fits. Like he had that N2 NKA and ISO post right at the end there. To believe heā€™s scum, weā€™d have to think he decided to prepare that fake post and wait until EoD to put it up. Then do the whole pretending to not see the VC and vote CRich just because Cloned told him. Scum doing all that effort wouldnā€™t have made up a plan that looks that scummy. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I was pretty convinced that Marl was town in the Lock slot. I only started doubting my read when ATN replaced in, as I thought maybe I was wrong, or that there couldā€™ve been a conversion before the identity reveal. But Iā€™m afraid of jumping to conclusions on ATN because I could also see a world where Appel was a wolf, ATN is town, and Appel tried to increase suspicion on ATN to set him up for a misyeet in place of herself by using his EoD activity against him.

Iā€™m going to have to examine ATN more as well, and thatā€™s partly why I donā€™t want to rush my vote here. After Appel flipped wolf, I was SLing ATN still, but when I caught up on the thread since SoD I saw that there was some logic in what heā€™s been saying today, so Iā€™d rather reevaluate him. Plus, Iā€™ve seen enough villagers make dumb votes (including myself lol) that itā€™s definitely not outside the range of possibilities.

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Yeah, and really she didnā€™t have to do much other than go along with what others were saying. Which does also fit with how she didnā€™t think it through.

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I was almost going to say that it would be funny if his scummy vote behavior as town ended up helping us catch Appel. But then I remembered that it actually kept us from getting her the day before. :slight_smile: We were just lucky we managed to get it right the next day. :slight_smile:

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I find it interesting how these two interact

how much longer in the day?

but I find it weird how Appel specifically asks for ATā€™s opinions on things, but I have to review Appelā€™s ISO again

I have a feeling that one of these two question marks from Appelā€™s original PoE is a wolf.

Yeah I wasnā€™t sure how to take those interactions yet. Originally I thought it was all wolf theater. But Iā€™m starting to think differently about ATNo.

Day ends this time. Over 30 hours left.

Oops my quote maybe lost the time thing