Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

meh I’d still act like they have both converts. It’s better that way in case we’re wrong about what happened D1 and D2 and also because I’d rather not look back to D1/D2

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Entirely possible they did save one, I suppose.

That being said, we have come a long way. Before I think it was a literal wild west. Now we actually have some sort of coordination as towns.


Actually I suppose if they did save one for the last wolf to use, that might have been a smart move. That new wolf doesn’t have to worry about interacting with the old wolves anymore. And there’s really no way to read the new wolf off any past stuff.


Yeah, good point. This game did go through some dramatic changes at a couple points.

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I think it also helped that no one really got hot-headed. And now most people are trying to do some stuff at least.

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I’m pretty sure that the playerlist was going to be chill considering the only volatile ones are me and min.


Haha, I’m surprised you consider yourself volatile. :slight_smile: I wouldn’t put you high up in the list of players for that.


Anything else to talk about. I’m still following my initial plan of pushing a wolf one at a time.

Well, I agree in general about pushing one at a time. Though I’ve still been looking into Gorta. He sort of fits the profile for the wolf team I think Appel had. I really think she didn’t have wolf partners who were quite so active and on top of things because of how she handled herself.

I also admit that I’m still not so confident in EVO, but I’m kind of deferring to the judgment of others. I think it’s just that his personality just comes off wolfy to me and I don’t know him from earlier like others do. But I also get the impression that he would be better at thinking things through as a wolf, so doesn’t fit so well into the profile for Appel’s partners. Additionally, if PKR flips wolf, I’m pretty sure EVO wouldn’t also be wolf. I doubt Appel would put them both in her PoE and both with the question marks.

meh if I have to tell you, Gorta is probably spewed town by PKR and Appel.

Haha, that must have been a lot of work doing those colors. :slight_smile:

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deciding which one to use is harder.

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I did find it interesting that Appel mentioned that Pokemon 9er game and tried to shade Gorta on that I think.

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and it’s also an indication of how bored I am

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The way I see it, there’s more to him than you think.

Yeah, that very well could be the case. I do see the potential for that.

actually you know what, I kinda prefer doing my text in colors.

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Welp, I was replying to a post earlier and forgot to hit send.
Now I need to refind it, reply to it and start again.