Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

I can’t help but feel that ATNo is hard set on his theory and hasn’t really been willing to look much at other possibilities. And he already had that theory basically worked out the day before, like it was inevitable. And even though his theory on Gorta turned out false, he’s not rethinking things.

EVO seems so much more willing today to examine ideas. I don’t see any particular agenda coming from him.

And going back to considering W!Wind doing a convert. While definitely they wouldn’t convert EVO, I think it is also fairly clear they wouldn’t convert me and put me up against EVO and ATNo. Not when they could instead convert ATNo and put him against EVO and me. That’s a much better situation since I was SRing EVO. So ATNo would be able to go with either getting me to vote EVO, or convincing EVO that I’m a deep wolf or convert (as is happening here).

Anyway, I need to head to bed now. I’ll check what other thoughts come up in the thread later.

Progression onto Appel unless I missed your point

This is kinda what I meant by hopped on, so unless I’m missing something Wind was basically sheeping the other three. It’s not like EVO where he sees it and jumps on that despite being the least +EV thing.

What? you never heard of doing things at night? I don’t see EVO as a starting wolf at all and thats what I’m very confident in.

If Gorta did prove me wrong without getting yeeted in the process, I would’ve spent the rest of the day figuring out who could it be. It’s just this night gave me enough time to work it out.

At the same time, Wind could’ve thought that you are the better convert because EVO was suspicious of me pocketing him (didn’t really give an explanation) and then giving me nothing to work with via suicide would be a smarter move.

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Under 24 hours remain.

Specifically, 22 hours and 12 minutes.

Votes are locked.

Why is it that you seem okay with having a pocketed town sheep? You are saying here that EVO already expressed back then that he might be pocketed by you. And you seem to think it actually clears him to just quickly sheep your vote on PKR. Why is this good town behavior? Why aren’t you even seeing that it could be a wolf pocketing you by pretending to be pocketed by you? I mean, his quick sheep vote on PKR isn’t such a bad move for a wolf. If the wagon gains traction, he gains town cred for the bus. If the wagon doesn’t gain traction, then his wolf partner stays alive and you are ML’d and he seems good for having thought you weren’t wolf. I don’t see much risk to himself in that situation.

It almost seems like you need this narrative of there being no other possibility than that Wind was wolf and did a last minute convert.

Why do you seem to think that sheeping is more of a wolfy trait than town? As I currently see it, it has no effect on alignment at all. If anything, EVO could explain why he chose to sheep me (that explanation being that my case was really good which I think is more towny and also EVO was waiting for a good case from Gorta.).

I don’t care about EVO talking about his pocket paranoia. What matters is Wind’s possible thought process.

Would still be a bold move to do as a wolf as he would really need to keep his town cred before he gets called out for TMI. I am a bit convinced, but I just don’t see EVO being a wolf from his entire ISO.

But then are you saying that you see Wind having a higher chance of being a wolf from her entire ISO compared to EVO?

Because that’s what you are basically saying here. You see Wind are a higher chance of being wolf than EVO in totality.

You were calling Wind obvious town. And the main thing making you outweigh that and favoring EVO as town is that one move where he sheeped your vote on PKR. Are you saying that it was so towny and absolutely too risky for a wolf that it completely outweighs Wind as obvious town?

Sheeping for little apparent reason and/or sheeping someone who most of the rest of town suspects and has in their PoE looks more wolfy/TMI than towny.

Sheeping someone in the town core is fine and something town will do.

Not necessarily ideal since they aren’t helping in solving and thinking things through. But town will do this.

So yes, I agree it’s still a bold move for a wolf, but I don’t think it out of the realm of possibility. I definitely wouldn’t call it a hardclear. And the way EVO has been playing, he could brush it off as playstyle. He was kind of easily jumping around on his reads without giving much reasoning. This doesn’t come off much differently really. For someone else, this would trigger more suspicion. But with EVO’s playstyle, it could be seen to fit in. So I can see this going either way, as town or wolf, for EVO.

I mean would a wolf give his thought regardless of what the consensus thinks? You do know that wolves have more of a tendency to be self-aware than a villager.

Heres the thing, the main difference between a wolf and a town is that Wolf have TMI and will likely show sign of it in the one post or another. Unless you point to me a post where he could have show TMI, I don’t see it as indication of W!EVO. Heck, he may just like living dangerously, but who knows

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It’s certainly the hope that they will show sign of it, but there’s no guarantee. It’s not like there is some rule that wolves have to do this. I mean, all wolves have TMI, but most exist in games without showing that TMI and are caught by other means like tone or agenda and such. Or like having the wrong read perspective as Appel did when SRing you after the tie vote.

And the problem in EVO’s case is that he doesn’t give much “I” in the first place to be able to show TMI in his reasoning. But I mean, if you look at where he was D4 when Appel was getting cuddled and where he starts D5, he’s jumping to sheeping you on PKR with little more than a correct vibe check by you. He doesn’t seem to care that W!You could give that vibe check just as easily.

That could show TMI. Or it could show “living dangerously” as you say and just choosing to go with sheeping the highest SR by town core just because they gave a correct read on them. And like you also say, who knows? But that’s my point. It could easily be read either way. I’d even say more towards TMI. Yet you are choosing to let this tip the balance to where Wind’s obvious town ISO means less than EVO’s iffy ISO with a “who knows” sheep vote.

I can’t help seeing your stubbornness to keep to this narrative as agenda by a wolf to push the Wind suicide convert theory so that you can make it seem like there’s no other alternative.

EVO, so where are you at in your thoughts now? I’ve been mostly focused on solving ATNo because I’m trying to determine if he’s working off wolf agenda or if he’s stubborn town tunneled on his own theory.

And I feel in a weird place where I’m arguing both sides. Like I’m trying to see if ATNo will understand that Wind being wolf and converting isn’t a given. Yet, I still see the possibility that it did happen and that ATNo was converted and is ironically arguing for the convert but turning it on me. In some ways, if he was converted, he might have to argue this since he was pushing the idea of a convert before this and it would be weird to go back on this.

And is EVO being quiet because he’s town letting us argue and trying to decide who to vote. Or wolf just sitting back and enjoying the V/V drama. :slight_smile: