Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

One of those ranking ones

imagine having content
couldn’t be the entire game

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i agree; this would benefit all
so we could have a starter list
in order for us not to fall
prey to the things that lurk in the mist.

Hey look how showed up.
It’s the :heartbeat:

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Who’s your top TR?


this is GTH

Who’s your Top Scum?

I swear to god if you say me

i only just noticed this might be a pun
since youre none other than the real joy_tongue


I forgot this game existed

The phrase “don’t care about what others think” feels extremely ironic in an FM setting

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If this is sarcasm then you clearly haven’t fully read my ISO

…at what point is the overreaction? What exactly do you mean by “when the concern there was them”?

You have explained nothing

*worship :^)

I want this to die alongside tongue

  1. there has been 0 explanation from tongue, rather just some offhand comments on scumminess that they found in offhand comments
  2. I find it laughable that alarm has to explicitly point out “the fact it doesn’t seem full of agenda at all” - nobody asked, immediately defensive
  3. “Not quick to immediately shade me and actually listen to my reasoning” is some BS - that says nothing about tongue’s towniness, it just says they’re susceptible to your logic, however much flawed it may be

At this point I’m debating whether scum would ever be this blatant

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Anyway I’m still tunneling egg plant because their reaction to pressure is bad and I don’t find any of their thought processes genuine so far.

Get boxed in, or something

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My logic isn’t flawed, it’s the fact the argument pushed against me is not even actually solid Also (you’re literally being defensive as well, which is a scumtell according to half of the game)

I was asked to give a read? What?? How is this scummy, lol. I fail to see how town would somehow twist this to be scummy.

I had a really intelligent reason to townread France but I forgot it

I’m still lock towning them because I’m big brain

By “nobody asked,” i mean that not a single person indicated that tongue had any agenda before
By stating “well I don’t think they have agenda,” you basically reveal that you know them to be scum and try to defend them since that was somehow on your consciousness

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…I was pressured?

What? That doesn’t…point to that at all? I was saying that they didn’t seem to have agenda. It’s part of my…read? I fail to see any of your logic here.

isnt it early to locktown me
when the most ive done is poetry?
sure, i gave reads, but im far from clear
because, as i see it, there should still be a fear.